Egypt is the 3rd tileset masterpiece by finish jazzer Agama. The whole thing resembles the ancient egypt, probably in the time of the new empire(or whatever:P). It has some neat things to create a basic egyptian villege, like buildings, a neat’o drawn brick ground. The buildings can be ‘decorated’ with things like plants hanging on the wall in small pots, old fashioned oil lamps, witch also have a lighted version in the night tileset, carpets before doors, windows where you can stand on the balconys and so on. The sky doesnt come as a textured background, but when i look at the layer 8 stuff Agama made for us instead, i totaly realize that a textured background is’nt necesary at all. The layer 8 stuff consists of a sky that already looks textured in the day version, and a beatutifull night sky filled with stars in the night version. It also has a perfectly drawn river(the Nile, no doubt) with the 3 pyramids in the distance, and palm trees at the sides. To decorate the plain bric ground, there are perfctly chaded brick tiles. There are also palm trees to stand on, big decorated pillars, and a incredile gaint statue of spaz, dressed up as a pharao. The poles where, very origenaly, made like those scepters you see pharaos holding on pictures. There are also tiles to create a ancient Egyptian temple, wich are maybe even more gorgeus looking then the ones i have been describing above. The ground here, constists of beautifully drawn brown bricks. There is all sorts of stuff to decorate walls, like the well known Egyptian heiroglyphics, perfectly drawn wall paintings of a rabbit in a charriot, rabbits with pharao-like hats, a few rabbits in a old-fashioned Egyptian canoe, and storks flying above a small pond. There are plants in small vases, and a statue of a black dog. To sum it up, this is one of the greatest tileset ever. Agama, alow me to worship the space you ocupy. And as for you guys, get this now.[This review has been edited by >CelL<]