Posted more than 21 years ago
first of all, YAY i’m first!
The music is good, the level looks good, good tileset! 1 li’ll thing, it’s harder to play with jazz in this levels(no highjump with springs). eccelent level flea!
Posted more than 21 years ago
This is a pretty good level. It is well balanced, and is easy to navagate which is important for a CTF level. I liked pretty much everything in the level, but I found the floating gargoyles a bit strange. Most people usually tend to put them sitting on something. I have never been a big fan of foreground rain, but it wasn’t too annoying. The level could probably use a few more springs though.
Overall I think this level is worth a download. There is nothing seriously wrong with it, and it is pretty fun to play in.
Posted more than 21 years ago
Darn…u should’nt tell that here Flea, now everybody knows how dumb I really am;) Well next subject, the lvl. The thing I like most is the music I think, it fits well. The level itself is good size for a ctf, as I think couse the route isnt hard or too easy. I dont really know why but the lvl can get bored to play after a while, indeed I played long;)But well its fun, nothing really speciall and, yes, a good ctf lvl.
First off, at the time of this writing this level is seriously overrated but not bad nonetheless.
Installation went smoothly, but the author omitted a readme! Ugh, not again!
Pretty decent eyecandy, although there is no difference between 8 bit/hardware mode and 16 bit with all effects on. The floating gargoyles are weird too, if you’re going to randomly place them places you might as well make them “fly”. The rain was also just a tad overused in the foreground, and the background could’ve used some brushing up.
Okay. The routes (more like lack of routes) were terrible. It was too open in the middle and too closed in on the sides for there to be any variety of routes. Jazz also had a bit more trouble on this level than Spaz, and I’m pretty sure that this level would be “Lori incompatible” (I don’t have TSF to validate that, though).
The carrot placement was a typical “lockbox” placement the majority of the time. Hence the name, they were “locked” inside a box and you had to get to a large horde of them, which I’m really not a fan of that style of “carroting”. The other carrots were a bit too easy to get at, though (the exact opposite).
Weapons? They were overabundant in powerups but a slight lack of regular ammo, but generally okay in placement. Again people, state the balance in the readme!
WEAPONS: 1.2/2
Felt pretty cool and spiffy, but didn’t give off that mystical aura.
Wow, this rating came out a lot less than I thought it would. Sorry, but I can’t make a download reccomendation unless you are a stickler for CTF. There just isn’t enough good stuff to seperate it from the fray, except that it has no fatal flaws. You’re lucky I was generous and upped the 6.1 to 6.2 instead of lowering it to 6.0. ;P
Posted more than 21 years ago
Wow Some Realy Weird revieuws by Hunter and Thing it Doesnt make any sence if you ask me but now for the lvl
i didnt Like the lvl
The Background was ok
the lvl was too empty and it was hard to move trough the lvl
Sorry No Download Recommedation from me[This review has been edited by Stilettø]
What’s with the completely unbalanced reviews here?
It looks as if though half of the people gives this a 6 and the other half a 9. That’s strange.
Really strange.
Now as for the level… The name is fitting and describes the level pretty well :).
It uses the (according to the tips) underused medivo tileset and it looks pretty good.
The gameplay however has it’s drawbacks with jazz, because on some points he is just slower than spaz, which makes the level unfair for jazz players.
I think there’s not much wrong with the flying gargoyles (exept in Aiko’s levels :)).
Enough bull*censored*, on to the rating:
I give this something in between. 7.5
Note: even if a level is multiplayer you should still put a single player starting location somewhere, so you can test it easier. Saves the jjnowall and jjfly typing and such. That influenced my rating too![This review has been edited by BlackDeath]
Posted more than 21 years ago
Well, i don’t have much to say or add here. “Rainy Hell” is a very decent CTF map, no more…no less. The design is okay (pretty fair routes and base placement i think, not to mention weapon placement) and there is some really nice eyecandy. I have nothing to complain, sorry :-)
The music “Guntech: Serakhoen” by Teque/DEE (never heard of him or her :-) also fits quite good.
Only the bad next level setting really annoys me (as well as the missing single player starting point![]())
To put it short, “Rainy Hell” is a great addition to your CTF level collection and, apart from that, fun to play! DOWNLOAD NOW! (i was undecided between 6.5 and 7).
Posted more than 21 years ago
I’m at the low-rating part ;)
It could be me, but as far as I know Hunter and Thing are friends of Flea. I’m not sure but this could say soemthing about the rating. If it doesn’t, blame me :P
Okay, my review. I can be short: The level isn’t good. It’s WAY too empty. Much empty parts. That isn’t always a bad point, but the level needs to be big to make emptyness an advantage. And this level isn’t big.
The level is completely Jazz-unfriendly, and even with Spaz it’s soemtimes hard to move around. The gargoyles at the background aren’t that bad, I didn’t really like them anyway. It would be better when you let them move.
The ammo placement is one of the few good points of the level. Not too much, and there are enough powerups, luckily you didn’t include them all.
There are only red springs, and maybe one or two green/blue ones. That’s the “killer” of this level. It makes the level VERY ard to navigate trough.
Overall I don’t like this one. Maybe try again with a level :P
Grab the 5.0 if you want it. Only downloadrecommendation for levelcollectors.
Posted more than 21 years ago
Wow. This level is very overrated. It’s an OK level, but not especially great. I wonder who those people I’ve never heard of that rated it really high are? :\
Way overrated. Dont overate levels unless they are mine. ;)
Posted more than 21 years ago
Weird…im kinda stuck in the begining or something and cant get out or see myself…., sorry but hard to explaine.
Flea DL
Posted more than 21 years ago
Scorpio, You’re probably trying to play this level in Single player mode :)
Ther is no single player start position so try playing it in Multiplayer mode :)[This review has been edited by Flea DL]
WOW bad background but lvl GOOD……
Background isn’t important here it rains so u really dont watch the background
(Rating removal. -Trafton)[This review has been edited by Trafton AT]
Posted more than 21 years ago
(ltr RATING REMOVAL. -Trafton)[This review has been edited by Trafton AT]