Non is given
A lot of secrets, but with some of them, i’d still see body parts of the rabbits because there wasn’t enough Layer 3 in front of those secrets. The enemies were too easy too kill and the Tuff Boss was too easy as well. The tuff boss isn’t an interesting boss alone – you’ll have to place other (respawning) enemies around him.
- Lori can’t copter
- Dragonflies in a snow level?
There is way too many ammo. Carrots are fine but food is quite useless because this level isn’t that large that you will get a sugar rush.
The eyecandy fits the level. Sometimes it isn’t executed that well though,. like the two carrot-christmas-trigger-crates; the “carrot” is removed, so you can pass through, but the top part is still visible – it’s ugly.
Fine but not orginal.
23/40 ~5,7/10
DR: Well, the level isn’t difficult and there is no difference between easy and hard. If you like hard levels, the answer is no, if you like relatively easy levels, download it.
Good level! Despite the layer 4 eyecandy, it looks nice, and what’s the most important – it’s just fun. It gives that oldschool feeling.
Not bad. I’m liking it… :)
I liked the level. ALtough having no story, and sometimes having annoying elements like finding hidden crates, it was fun for me, and sometimes thats all what matters. GJ!
7 Jan 2010, 23:03
Well, you know what they say. Pride goeth before the fall. Or that pride goeth before destruction, and a haughty spirit before a fall, if you’re the sort of person who actually quotes, rather than simply quoting quotes.
(The level is actually a pretty good effort, though.)
Cobra NF
8 Jan 2010, 02:06 (edited 17 Feb 10, 04:31 by Soul)
And what do you mean by that,minmay?
The carrot bug i dont know how to fix without it lookin ugly anyway so…..
edit 2:i fixed the carrot bug and everything should be good as new.
Hmmmm…I agree with minmay.
Note: Soul, you can vote against me only one time :P !!!
New Note: Soul, you uploaded this for voting reviewers on against? They trying be right!