From all the tiles this tileset offers,you have only chosen a few hills that go over and over again. No buildings in the background or pipes or whatever,just some wall eyecandy. (The eyecandy looks familiar,you’ll know what I wanted to say.)
Too open for a small map like that. As seen in some of your reviews,you don’t like levels with narrow passages. (“i hit only wall wall wall”) Same for me here,the eyecandy wall sometimes looked like the real layer 4 wall. You tried to make a level with a lot of open space. Fail. While Spaz,you could just jump up and down raining hell on your enemy using electroblasters for walls,bouncers when up and toaster while moving,forcing enemies to enter the fire wall. That sounds like “SPAZ BIASED” map.
For the bases: There are two possibilities of defending: NOT defending it because of enemy high ground advantage or using the FIRE WALL tactic,blocking every path to the base. The enemy would a) get the flag and destroy you or b) get owned himself without even capturing the flag. Really.
EDIT: I even got stuck at 60,24 in the lower corner. How could you make that?
ANOTHER EDIT: The blue base looks a bit like Distopia one.
Already said much before. Powerup area too campy,same for the lower C.
I don’t know what to say. Here you go with a DL rec because the level is (barely) playable,but better than some other levels with the DL rec.
(You would probably expect a word from me so here it is: EVILNESS.)
@Skele: 1) I can review what I want. 2)Does that mean only your TM friends can come here and rate it 10?
@Crazy Rabbit: Please stop commenting reviews and REVIEW the level.