Fire and Ice

  • Rating: 6.1

Reviews and comments

    spazz Posted more than 21 years ago


    A pare of good levels you sure have a look at. Okay heres my review:

    *Inferno Infiltration*-Fire.j2l


    Some realy good points, nice new ideas, and it’s not get boring, and thats good. The secrets are very well hide! I almost can’t find them! Only the bad thing is that skeleton on a stick foreground layer, it’s irritating me! Next time, leave irritating stuff out. Only the enemys make it difficult, later on I tell more.

    PROS: Some nice new ideas, good hidden secrets. (The secrets in my levels, you can find them easely, hahah. :) )
    CONS: At some points you only have to walk strait on, shoot some enemys, go on the vine, and thats it. I know it’s difficult to prevent that stuff.
    RATING: 7.5


    Good, standard. Only the background is, well what shall I say? Ugly. Just flying stuff on the background without a thing standing under it. Look, layer 8 is fine, only layer 7, 6 and 5 are just floating in the sky! Nice idea, with that bones, it’s a sort of thunder format, look for yourself, it is funny.
    Now I shall tell about the worst of the level: look at layer 2 in JCS. When you play the level you see where ever you go, a stupid skeleton head. It’s a nice idea, but it’s very irritating if a layer, a foreground layer keeps following you.

    PROS: Nice layer 4 eyecandy, with the difficult to use “Inferno Night” titleset. Animating titles are okay, and the cave stuff, good work!
    CONS: Layer 2 is irritating me and layer 7, 6, and 5 are just floating on air. That’s not very nice to see.
    RATING: 5.0, I want to give it an 8 but the back and foreground layer are just ugly, I’m sorry to say…


    The only items I found was 1 up and some silver coins, and some ammo. In the bonus warp you can only find one Ice Power-up, I think it must be much more, put some food in it. In this level you can find this ammo: Bouncer ammo, a gun barrel, Seeker ammo and 3 way ammo gun 5. You need the carrots in the level very hard, because there are very much enemys.

    PROS: The silver coins are nice spread over the level. And for people who like hard levels, there are many enemys in the level and less carrots!
    CONS: The level was difficult because there are to less carrots. Also less food, less ammo. At one point there are almost no carrots when I need them, and at the other point I was overloded with carrots! I think thats and con.
    RATING: 5.0


    This is a very strange placement. In this level you can find: Bees, Bats(Okay I understand that), Dragon Flys(What are Dagon flys doing in a hell level?!), Lizards(You can place in alomst every level lizards…), Rapier(?), Doggy Dogs, Dragons(!), Norm Turtles( Hot isn’t it?), Monkeys( Now that is weird!), Bubba Boss, Fat Chick(!), it’s getting weider and weider! But I think so much different enemys adds fun! Almost the same enemies gets boring. But there are to many enemys and to less carrots, so I jumped over the most of them to prevent to get killed.

    PROS: It adds fun if you use diffirent enemys, with a titleset were there don’t belong there, by the way, nice idea.
    CONS: To many, put more carrots in it and then you can use that number of enemys in it.
    RATING: 6.0-7.0, I can’t rate that good with enemys.


    Well, as I sad before, that stuff on layer 2 is irritating me. And to many enemys and yet again: to less carrots. Hmm… round medium. And one more thing, don’t play this level on hard, otherwise I hope you like getting to be killed… :)

    PROS: N/A
    CONS: N/A


    Okay, but not with that layer 2 on! I think it was on layer 4 nice eyecandy and nice gameplay. See yourself.

    PROS: N/A
    CONS: N/A


    I almost telled everything in this review about the level. Hmmm… a rating for this level.
    RANTING: 7.5 will be enough I think.

    *Heck Rolled Over*- Ice.j2l



    LOOK <. Some new things has comming in. Snow, afcourse. :)

    I will not rate all these levels, it will be the same with the other level.


    Not again! LOOK < for more info.


    A new weapon, the toaster or weapon 6. LOOK <.


    The Skeleton is new. LOOK <.


    LOOK <.


    LOOK <.


    Some realy good levels, but you need to practise, make a good story. To bad you have putting on both levels that irritating layer 2 stuff. But you have dit it very well, it is difficult to make good eyecandy with the Inferno titleset. Nice new ideas, funny placement of enemys. Finally, a good creator with lots of fantasy! I don’t know wat the reviewers for me want to say, because now one has givin a rating and I think both levels are kind of cool. Hm? Well, that was my review, I hope I have said enough about the levels. I will give it an 7.2 and a download reccomend. These level are good, but you can play them a bit quick out. The levels are a bit sort of small. But I say it once: Don’t play these levels on hard! :)

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    Snotticus Posted more than 21 years ago


    Very, heavily overrated. Although I could see how the author put quite some effort into this level, but I dislike layer 2! It really hurts my eyes (my eyes… my beautiful eyes!). The eyecandy wasn’t too bad, but could be a little better. The enemy placement was fairly good, but the selection wasn’t at all. Bees in hell? Now I’ve seen everything!

    Both the levels seemed practically the same, but overall, it’s not bad at all. Good job. :)

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    Hawkin 87 Posted more than 21 years ago

    Worth a shot, eh?

    BlackDeath Posted more than 21 years ago

    It works properly now, I think I have seen this before and with me… I think it worked…. Well I could be wrong, my upload was wrong before too. Bobby fixed it though.

    And Tublear, go do some more reviewing okay?

    firebolt Posted more than 21 years ago

    JJ Tublear Posted more than 21 years ago

    Ha, YA DARN right don’t play it on hard. Because I also added enemies on hard.