Hmmm… I’ll start with the most obvious problem, to my mind. While #4 leads to #1, #1 to #2, and #2 to #3, #3 leads to #1 instead of #4!
If you were hosting this, you’d have to host 4 to ever see it. Also, readme aside, I’ll bet you a dollar I could get stuck in everyone of of the levels.
Now then, to the good points.
The level names are interesting, the 4th level is rather cool (groan) and the music for it is very nice.
The design is good too, though maybe a few too many powerups.
Other then that, it seems to be some normal battle levels. Download recommendation? Your choice.
hmm…the uploaded version of this pack is mutch better then the old one…i like the design of the levels Specially the music of it.[This review has been edited by Super Saiyan]
Posted more than 21 years ago
A pretty much above averege level pack we have here. This pack, using the ‘Mez02’, ‘Carottus’, ‘Medivo’ and ‘Newest’ tilesets. These are realy some fine battle levels. I like the way Fl@sh used the tilesets. It realy looks pretty interesting and fun. It would have been beter to have that big spaceship on layer 7 in the 4th level move, instead of just hover in the background. It would realy look nicer. I liked the level ‘plastic pipes’, using the Mez02 tileset. The platforms that where’ tangled up’ looked pretty neat, reminded me of ‘Unemotionel landscape’ by Mez herself. The music files where pretty cool, the Megairbase song from JJ1 to name one. The ammo placement was prety good too, not to much or to litle. Lveles where a bit small, but thats not a problem, as long as they are’nt as small as ‘The CelLleavtor’:). Design was good, pretty circular, only lots’a places to get stuck though. I would like to give this(and i will too) a pretty nifty 7.7 points and a FAT download recomendation.