Well, here is one of my old test. I have probably started to make it a year ago, but then I though that it’s ok and anyway no one will be able to win this and I stopped to do any things with it. Some people maybe know this, I was hosting it sometimes. Now its improved version, I have changed eyecandy(which before doesn’t really exist, there was just a background and layer4, and sometimes layer3). There is hof here, but that’s empty. Im not sure why did I decided to make this test, it’s hard and I can’t finish it(but everything is possibile, I just know it), it’s really hard. People (who was good enough to get into level 10) often asked me is that first jump possibile, so I will say now that it is. What about name of this test? Well, I just haven’t got any idea about it, and that was the first thing which i though about. Some levels imo don’t have got good enough eyecandy, but I was just getting bored with making this, and imo those levels aren’t looking bad anyway. There is 11 levels here. Have fun with playing this!
Edit: Forgot to upload tileset. Fixed.
Edit2:Do NOT ever try to change resolution when you are playing this test. It causes game crashes.
Edit3:One more thing which you shouldn’t try, don’t press F3 key. It’s working in the same way as the changing resolution, btw you can change resolution only when you have got “Hardware Acceleration” enabled.