My first level

  • Rating: 1.1

Reviews and comments

    ThunderWalker 9 Feb 2010, 20:57 (edited 9 Feb 10, 20:58)

    1.2Not recommended:

    Hmmm, not much at all. Just only a few Bats you can’t dodge and other stuff.

    Try putting more time in your level. Also not that bad should be placing your Warps on smarter places and not next to walls… you get stuck in that case.

    Ammo was only TNT, and enemy placement was quite bad. Just only… a crapload of badly placed Bats and Spike Bolls. No other enemies.

    This level also lacks any kind of secrets and Trigger Crates.

    All pickups were placed on bad spots. No secrets, no use of other layers than layer 4 and 8.

    I also ran up against a few errors which could crash the game, and that isn’t good for the gameplay of a level…

    DR: No, for obvious reasons.

    I’d give this level a 1.2 .
    However, a lot of improvement can be made. A LOT. Download a few other levels first and put more time in your levels.

    The only good thing I noticed is the Spike Boll near the Queen and that there are two paths to do. But one of them doesn’t work due to Warp Exit placement.

    When I made my first level (Mines of Diamondus), it took me nearly two weeks (and eighteen hours spend on the damn thing).

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    sonicnathan 1 10 Feb 2010, 02:57

    1Not recommended:

    This level needs lots of work. It suffers from gameplay, eyecandey and placement issues that I will cover. A tip for new comers, ALWAYS test your levels before you upload. If you can’t beat them then you need to make changes.

    Now for the review and as usual:

    Non is given so I won’t rate. Another good tip. It’s always a good idea to give a story.

    Almost nothing is given. Background is basic. There’s something in layer 6 that is just some floating platforms. It doesn’t work. Layer 4 is basically about 5 tiles repeated over and over again. It’s very bland and the level looks empty. Everything is floating. some layer 3 would have been nice. As it stands very bland so i can only give a 1.

    The level is very broken mainly because you can get stuck. The main mode of transport is warps. But the beginners trap is present, where the exits are placed too close too the wall and you get stuck. Another sign this wasn’t tested. Other then that no much too talk about. There’s a Queen boss at a point in the level but that’s nothing too talk about. Falling out of the level is easy and there’s no way too recover. There’s 3 carrots that aren’t needed. Little pickups. No challange and enemies you can’t really avoid. Overall I can’t give more then a 1 for broken gameplay and the fact it can be done in like a minute or 2.

    Enemy Placement
    Only about 15 bats and a queen boss. Only problem is you can’t really avoid the bats.

    Pickup Placement
    Only some TNT and chips at the beginning. Some useless coins and purple gems. Some carrots are also here. nothing to really speak about.

    Final Score: 3/30
    Score: 1/10
    Rank: F
    DR? I’m sorry but i can’t. The level is unplayable without cheats and it is too short. Eyecandey is bad and overall it’s no fun too play with no replay value. I give it a 1 and no DR but don’t give up. Read some tutorials, practice and get some people too test the levels and give feedback. I hope this has helped out. :) Better luck next time.

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    DennisKainz 9 Feb 2010, 19:52

    You are still a newbie, but I also wasn’t good at levelmaking when I first time used JCS.

    Zoro 13 Feb 2010, 04:33

    Ok ok, sorry what i being too critical…
    I know, every fan of jj2 begun with 5 secunds levels, then their experience is glow…
    1 year ago im making levels, like this… :P