First thing i have noticed which is strange and bad is… well, can you tell me why warps at lvl30 doesn’t exist? Or maybe its just not working… But its a bug.
lvl34 pos=20,93. Tell me why this warp don’t have got warp target. This one “No Warp Target” makes the test impossibile to win.
35, again, warps doesn’t exist.
37, warp doesn’t exist and its easy to get stuck.
38, warp exist but… If you know anyone who can win a level where wind speed is set to something like a 40, tell me that. Maybe you have to do it with jazz, maybe that is possibile then, but morphs doesn’t exist.
39, some of the tiles are non-solid. Its confusing. Ah, and you can get epilepsy at this level. Thats annoying…
40, again, no morphs. I don’t think that its possibile with only Jazz.
Winners warp unlocked…! Really? Probably something is not working again, winners warp was closed and it still is. There is a level selection at winners warp, but it’s not good. I mean, you choose the level and you just have to win all levels from difficulty on which this level are since this level. I mean, you should put a warp unlocked by a trigger, which makes it possibile to go back to Winners Warp. And one more thing, its strange that you didn’t put “back” warp at level selection too…
Strange thing is that i just have to make all of the mazes with spaz, but at the beggining of the maze levels I see, that you putted Jazz, Spaz and Lori pictures. So why didn’t you put a morph in there? Ofc its not a bug, but its strange.
What can I say about eyecandy? Well, the thing which was the best was the moving background(which is just copied from my test, but that doesn’t matter. At mine test it was translucent, and ofc I can’t keep this background idea only for myself). Other things is just like in many other tests.
Test is easy. It became medium for me at… hard levels. Maybe if it would be a good test, with normal warps(which should exist), and not really good eyecandy it could be just one more normal test. But now it have got too many bugs. so i have to rate it 5.
Edit: Shelly, I have checked everything. Btw, I said that non-putting morphs at mazes are not bad think, but i just prefer to use spaz. But i checked everything, and everything which i said wasn’t working. btw, how is it possibile the background is looking EXCATLY the same as mine? But i said, i can’t keep this idea for background only for myself. Ah, and I was joking when i said that wind speed is 40.
Edit2:Ah, btw, just try to fix some of the bugs and i will give better rating. And I didn’t said that you are not a human, I just told you about bugs at level.
Edit3:Ok, so now review for a finished and checked level. I was playing it at your server, lvl 38 is still… hard, but its probably possibile. lvl 39 is fixed, still i can get epilepsy but that doesn’t matter. What about level 40? Still no morph. Im not sure is it possibile.
Well, anyway you fixed most of the bugs, and im sure that you will fix other bugs too. So i’ll give you 7. There is nothing special in this test, just a normal level.
Ok. level 40 is possibile.