Lost Vikings The Big Return Of tomator

  • Rating: 1.1

Reviews and comments

    RedMser 1 May 2010, 13:27

    1.2Not recommended:

    At last level you can fall down…

    This is a short review. It has less impact on the upload's score.

    ThunderWalker 28 Apr 2010, 19:41 (edited 29 Apr 10, 15:57)

    1Not recommended:

    Story: 10 levels, 30 points.

    Good, there was some kind of storyline, but it is very vague. There is no reasoning behind the story; the reasoning of the bad boss is nowhere to be found. Also, your grammar was awful. Capital letters and interpunction could help. Also, the story had no real ending scenario or final boss-fight and the two boss fights were placed somewhere in the campaign. The robot-boss was placed fine though. The first boss fight was weird? Three Schwartzenguards without any explanation.


    Well, it was indeed somewhere but not in this upload; altough that download is mentioned here.
    No rating; I didn’t checked it out; it is more than fair if I don’t rate the music then.

    It was very bland. Some levels contained tilebugs. All levels used the same tileset, which is, when using a massive amount of TEN levels, an instant fail!
    There were no parts which were beautiful or such.
    However, I liked the little buggers which talked to you, which was something else than Jazz, Spazz, Lori or Eva in other campaigns.

    —— Gameplay

    Fine, but the levels were VERY short, which is fine for intro levels, but all levels felt like intro levels save the boss fights and the last level, which was fine. Even the boss fights suck. All levels were relatively short though. The levels didn’t have much obstacles, again, save the last one which had some spikes and such, and also water; you’ll have to swim through that level.

    Enemy placement:
    Only the last level had some enemies which could hurt me.

    Pickup placement:
    No pickups. Pickups in the last level were one carrot, some pepper spray and a few extra lives.

    Replay value:


    - Lori couldn’t get past some point in a level. JJFly. -0.7
    - The end-level bug appeared in the last level. Game crash. -0.5


    DR: No.

    - Add more variety in pickups and in enemies as well. Place enemies, make levels longer with the result they’ll take some time to beat. At least 5-10 minutes for each level is fine.
    - Add secrets.
    - Make boss fights more interesting so you can DIE there.
    - Use capital letters and interpunction and such.
    - Pick the right tilesets. Some levels were better with another tileset, say, the Battleship v2 one for that short spaceship-level.
    - Upload the music files as well in your upload, even if another download is needed (I’ll never download low-rated SP-packs).

    EDIT: Removed music from rating for reasons listed there. Rating stays that 1/10, albeit just barely.

    1 of 4 people found this a good review. Did you? Yes/No

    Zoro 30 Apr 2010, 13:26 (edited 8 May 10, 08:13 by Crazy Rabbit)

    Plus: 50% from Interplay and 50% from Blizzard! :)))

    KiMO 1 May 2010, 20:07

    Yeah, ‘‘they must found’‘ it!

    shellyJay 29 Apr 2010, 10:18

    In respond to the last review;
    how is 10,8.7,6.1,10 come to an average of 10…

    As for a review, ill get to that in a few hours.

    marti0075 29 Apr 2010, 10:26 (edited 29 Apr 10, 10:38)

    go to school learn read thounderwalker music are in

    lost vikings space trip.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    you no read to appear levels you must download space trip !!!!!!!

    and launch space trip and go to 16 chapter and you have my !! levels !!