-= Cool Chat Progs v3 =-

  • Rating: 7.4

Reviews and comments

    Stilettø Posted more than 21 years ago


    this is Way better as v2
    Only the Help doesnt Work?

    i like this prog now

    oops forgot too rate
    [This review has been edited by Stilettø]

    This is a short review. It has less impact on the upload's score.

    Newspaz Posted more than 21 years ago


    The window bug still is there. The program was good enough at first in my opinion. A few points higher this time for easier use.

    This is a short review. It has less impact on the upload's score.

    Spazzyman Posted more than 21 years ago

    Whoops i forgot to include the .txt, so ill paste it here:

    Help File:

    1. How to use 2. Bugs 3. Contact

    1: How to use 1. First, run Jazz Jackrabbit 2. 2. Join a Multiplayer Game / Start One. 3. Run the Chat Prog. 4. Select which version you are using (Jj2). 5. Type anything you want in the “Enter Text” Box. 6. There is a character map under the “Enter Text” Box, you may use it to get special characters quick & easy. It only uses characters which are compatible with Jazz 2. 7. In Jj2, Press T and spacebar. 8. Finally hit Enter. Message Sent!
    2: Bugs 1. TSF wont let you put in special characters at certain parts of your chat text.
    3: Contact 1. Email: Spazzyx32@hotmail.com 2. Icq: 18287995 3. Aim: Pannu 500 4. Msn: Spazzyx32@hotmail.com 5. Yahoo: Spazzyx32

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    American Posted more than 21 years ago

    Reupload it with the readme included and I’ll rate it. :)