R.A.B.B.I.T campaign

  • Rating: 2.7

Reviews and comments

    sonicnathan 1 20 Jun 2010, 06:40

    1.2Not recommended:

    I was able to get it work so here is a review. I“ll go over each level as it’s pretty short. First story

    I really don’t know what’s going on. If your going to make a story in a notepad or something, don’t use word not everyone has it. I had no clue what was going on in game so I can’t give any points for story. I’m not even sure if there is suppoed to be one.

    Level 1
    As with almost all the levels in the pack, the author tries to use the JJ1 tilesets that come with JCS. As such they suffer form animation loss and bad masking. Level one is bland. With no animations the level kinda feels dead. Ground is boring and tilebugs can be seen. Almost no layer 3 was used and background was boring, but that’s the tilesets fault. Thing is, at least use one of the many conversions on this website. I’ll give a 2.

    Gameplay is short and boring. No chance of dieing at all. Linear and boring. No puzzle elements are involved and it’s basically running in one direction and going up at times. The blaster powerup and many fast fires take away any difficulty. Level is short as well at only about 2 minutes. There’s a tuff boss at the end but the powerup makes him a joke. You can destroy the wall and go outside the arena but it’s uneeded and I didn’t find a way back up once I fell. There were some coins but they didn’t make me want to come back to find them. There were some text strings but I thought they were out of place. Overall, boring, short and no chance of dieing.

    Enemy Placement
    Not many and no chance of dieing. Not much else to say,

    Pickup Placement
    There’s quite a bit of food here and in one case to many bananas. Normal ammo was ok but the fastfires and blaster power up killed any chance of this getting more then a 1.
    Level 1 score: 5/40

    Level 2
    *Eyecandey*Almost the same deal as level 1. However the background was at least somewhat interesting. It’s basically just moving slime but at least it’s something. The green outline makes a bigger deal here and it makes the level look kinda stupid at times. Vines didn’t turn out. Music heart my ears

    Very short again. Not much of a challenge. However, there are many pits where if you fall, there’s no way up so you have to wait until your rabbit dies from the spikes below. Not enough enemies, all you do is basically go up. Vines didn’t turn out. To many powerups. No replay. About it

    Enemy Placement
    Not enough. about it

    Pickup Placement
    To many powerups in the open. I guess food and ammo is ok but still. No need for something like 3 powerups.

    Overall score: 5/40

    Level 3:
    Not worth rating. All you do is run right and fall

    Level 4
    ummmm wow. This is a wierd tileset. All this is, is random colors and stuff put together. I have no clue what was going on. Tilebugs everywhere. Random nature and just umm. U have no clue what to say

    Pretty boring. Linear, short, not going to die as long as your awake, short, to much food and ammo.. I“m running out of things to say. There was something about a gold coin but I just wanted to finish this and write the review

    Enemy Placement
    Not enough except at the final part, but that’s ok. You get like 2 sugar rushes.

    Pickup Placement
    Was ok at the begining, then you put like 200 food items and tons of gems. I got 2 sugars rushes at once. Also to much ammo which isn’t needed.

    Overall score: 4/40

    The ending was just end spelled with like 200 1ups. No point and didn’t wrap up the story or pack.

    Final Score: 15/130
    Rank: F
    DR? No. I’m sorry but I got no enjoyment out of this. Boring gameplay, easy levels, bad placement and the use of horrible tilesets. It’s safe to say this wasn’t beta tested and it should have been. I just wanted to finish this and write a reveiw for it. I can’t give it a DR at all, but keep trying. Hopfully this review will help show you what you did wrong and I hope you improve upon your mistakes. As it stands I give a 1.2 and no DR.

    2 people found this a good review. Did you? Yes/No

    StarLORD 21 Jun 2010, 16:44 (edited 21 Jun 10, 17:57 by cooba)


    all was good and i’m glad to test nice SP pack .

    [Review changed to quick review, see the review rules. ~cooba]

    This is a short review. It has less impact on the upload's score.

    ThunderWalker 19 Jun 2010, 06:49

    Several critical bugs make it unplayable.
    Probably because you’d forget to include all tilesets you’ve used.

    I had the Industrius tileset and also the tileset for the second level already in my inventory, but the third level crashed the game.

    I will write a full review after you’ve fixed this.

    Roblomal 19 Jun 2010, 13:17

    I don’t know what’s up with your computer.
    I played a long time “ROBLOX” ( A free online game )
    Where I learned Programming, but Jazz Jackrabbit 1/2 Is the best game ever, my father can’t run Jazz 1 on DOS, but I runned it on Windows XP and now on Windows 7 ( This computer. )

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    Jahari 19 Jun 2010, 21:45

    There’s nothing wrong with his computer. You need to include the tilesets (.j2t files) that are used in your levels. I’d also remove the episode file or at least make it optional for the player to use it. Episode files clutter up the level list and are not really necessary. Even EvilMike’s level packs don’t use .j2e’s.

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