I have to say that it gave experience playing this creatively channeling level, the name is strongly fitting the look, music and gameplay, in one word, the theme. I guess there are pelolpe don’t understand it, it means a trip after using drugs, appropriate isn’t it? The level doesn’t got story, but in my opinion, a SP pack needs it, not a one level trial, also, here we are going trough a psychedelic experience, so we aren’t aware of the world. lol.
Mushrooms going towards the upper right corner, some of them are “dancing”, spiced with changing colors. CraZy. It is cool, and exciting anyway, i never got bored of it. This makes the view even more colorful.
Well i could leave the praising but i don’t. It is amazing. Hanging leaves, branches of trees, lava lamps, waterfalls, and mushrooms all around, even parts of originally background items. Great use of Layer 4-5(maybe 6 too, i couldn’t check it in JCS) walls, times going black. Decent tileset usage. The pickups and other events improve it too, i like the foods used and the the gems, big rock was also in it, and the mass of trigger rocks, nah that rocks at all. Rare timebugs can be found hardly, easyly ignoreable, overally, the look is a comple masterpiece. Dammit, it’s magic.
Rating: 29/30
As the game gets started, it leaves you to choose left or right way to go what makes me feel confused. By the way its not bad, and the whole level is baised on this thing, there is a main path, with lots of byways allaround consisting pickups and enemyes. I think it is good, because once you saw a place not needed in going forward, next time, after you got roasted you won’t be forced to go to all the places. Next thing to mention is that in some cases, you had to find a secret alike way to get trough what is a bit werid, altrugh, yes, i know there are arrow posts but they are hard to notice because of the exuberant eyecandy. Otherway it was natural, cool and long so what to say? it must get high rating.
Rating: 14/15
I was wondering. Wherever i’ve gone, i met unordinary things. Yet it was kinda difficult, thanks to the lots of hurting and pits. After a bunch of deaths i startd to care a lot and go slowly. The first pitty part’s first part with the swinging vine and plaform got me 20 times that i said okay. this is cool but i just don’t get how to, so i skipped it. I think this level is hard for any skilled player, this makes it just more exciting. Something new that waits for beating.
The great deal of separate events were loveably infrequent. The best was the Trigerr rocks as collapsing scan alike platforms, if you touch it by sides it falls.
One thing to mention, at least one more checkpoint could’ve been added, somewhere after the first pits, because the second pitty part is very deadly, and getting back to start from there kills the spirit of playing without cheats -> :(.
By the way i found that in easy mode, it gets skipped if you fall into the pit at the left, lower corner. Also easy mode let’s a second chance after falling into a pit, brilliant idea. As i saw hard gives a lot more enemyes, and so, it make them in crucial places too.
Overally it’s very creative, nicely done, not as a bad point, it is hard.
Due to the several byways this is a truly rich level in gatherables. Countless gems and foods, good amount of armours, imaginitive coins.
Both gems and coins were greatly placed in boxes, and in many different way, it was cool. The toaster ammo was the most precious thing, right after carrots. In some places the thing was proposally in the walls, i see how this is new, but it is hard to collect, anyway it fits to a SP level.
The secrets were hidden unobviusly, for the fourth – fifth time (i mean restarts, not only meant by dying) i started to find them, they were very imaginitive. I even found new secrets for the tenth time, this made an adevturious feeling keeped long. and still there are some that i dont understand, like the Toaster PU at 270,46. I really ‘d liked to see it in JCS.
There were a lot of enemyes fitting the theme, decently placed. The witch was nice that it was there, well i could consist an end boss, but the level was complete like this too, i felt exhasuted enough reaching the exit.
One thing was annying, those hidden enemys. they really husted a lot, it is ignorable to have a few, but this was a bit much. In hard mode i would add more Fencers, to increase difficulity, becasuse more helmuts just need some more shoots, anyway the beeboy useage was great in it.
Rating: 44/50
The genre is Psytrance, even by that is fits, moreover it superly suits the level. Its also great because it is new. The only backward of it is the hefty 17.7MB size.
—Last words—
I would really respect the man that beats this level without deaths (and cheats) for the first time. It is truely hard, it makes a challange for anyone. Altrough it is fun and recomended to play it.
DR : is it a question?
Total Rating: 92/100 -> 9.2