Deep and Deeper level pack

  • Rating: 8.2

Reviews and comments

    Toni_ 31 Jul 2010, 10:13


    Nice levels, balanced, symmetrical. Eyecandy isn’t the best (as you told, a little bit copied from EM’s helldome :) but I understand possibilities with this tileset).

    This is a short review. It has less impact on the upload's score.

    MilloCz 31 Jul 2010, 18:28


    Nice levels.

    This is a short review. It has less impact on the upload's score.

    CarrotusCastle 13 Aug 2010, 16:02



    This is a short review. It has less impact on the upload's score.

    Slaz 19 Mar 2014, 16:15 (edited 19 Mar 14, 17:16)


    Some weeks ago, Mithos (in person) reminded me of these levels and their obvious reference to Touhou 11, so I played another game in them to get them reviewed! For the music, I couldn’t find the file ‘underwater2.mp3’ used in the first level, MegaUpload has since then been demolished.

    Let’s get to the point. The first level is Deeper Depths, made with the popular Xargon tileset conversion. I’m familiar with UT’s level ‘Deep’ but don’t know anything about the game Ever17 (the inspiration for the level). A Google search got me an interactive novel game with an underwater theme, so I guess the level fits that. It’s a small to medium sized symmetrical CTF level with multiple horizontal and vertical pathways to the bases and a PU gimmick. Stomping a crate in the upper-middle will make a Seeker PU fall down, which is interesting for coordinated 2v2’s but a little risky in a duel where your speed is even more crucial. The pathway layout is done alright, there are no annoying dead ends, and arrows point at your possibilites. There’s no shortage on ammo and PU’s, so expect heavy fire in the narrow paths. There are 1h carrots on both sides, and of course a 3h carrot in the middle near the Seeker PU. I’m personally not too fond of the Bblair style warps (which take you away to a place in a ‘random’ fashion). Also, there’s these sucker tube events that pull you up on ledges, supposedly to bring back the flow of the game if a player’s jump was off, but I’ve never been too fond of those. Overall, a not too original but fun level. It’s speciality is clearly the unusual placement of the Seeker PU in which controlling it will give you an advantage. Personally, I’d say it’s more fun in 2v2 than in duel.

    The 2nd level, Subterranean Apocalypse, is the gem in this pack if you ask me. It’s pretty small and has a clear focus on duels. It’s a symmetric level as well, and the left and right sides houses the bases protected by a triggered wall that forces players to enter from the top or bottom, thus into combat. There are 2 carrots in the middle to protect (a 3h and 1h), and plenty of PU’s both low and up. All lava either falls or warps into pits and will kill you (with a fun message though). The pits on the upper side are placed quite tricky just after having used a spring. Ammo is just right for a duel, there will be no overflow of bullets and there’s plenty of space to dodge in the middle. Eyecandy is good enough, though I understand the tileset has it’s limits. Gameplay is what this level’s about, and that’s original enough to reccomend!

    For the third level (supposedly added later), well, there isn’t much to say about it. It’s symmetrical too and mostly based on horizontal movement and feels a bit plain in design. There is a lot of ammo, maybe too much, scattered a bit randomly and several PU’s. Best thing’s probably the tubes, they allow to save you from the lava pits in the bottom and let you take small shortcuts too. I can’t really recommend this one, it’s bigger but hasn’t really got anything special that makes it stand out.

    Overall, with this pack’s original 2 levels Deeper Depths and Subterranean Apocalypse you can sure have a good time. I recommend them for friendly matches, but little makes them stand out compared to the big names in competitive CTF levels. SA alone would get an 8.5. Thus with a bit of generosity towards SA’s quality, all 3 levels combined justifies an 8! Don’t forget though, Deeper Depths is worth a try too!

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    Laro B. 30 Jul 2010, 22:46 (edited 30 Jul 10, 22:50)


    Very nice levels,

    Deep Depths is a good and balanced level, the tileset is very well used, the water is balanced, good music choice. I recommend this level, its good for, 2vs2, 3vs3, and even 4vs4!

    Subterranean Apocalypse:
    I didn’t test this level much, and I never played a match in it. but by the looks of it, it’s a duel level. I would try this for sure.

    These 2 levels from NekoMithos are recommended!

    3 of 10 people found this a good review. Did you? Yes/No

    NekoMithos 2 Aug 2010, 14:52 (edited 2 Aug 10, 16:12)

    Nope, it isn’t made in a maximized window, it’s made in a window thats exactly double the size (width and height) which runs as quickly as normal.

    Also Toni, don’t confuse mimicing and copying. Copying is just block and paste, mimicking is starting from scratch and making your own of it.

    And for the next review: Please rate the two levels apart from eachother because i need to know more about SA, which is a map in the Duel tournament level contest.

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