Green Islands

  • Rating: 4.6

Reviews and comments

    Rabid Rabb 4 Aug 2010, 16:05 (edited 4 Aug 10, 16:07)

    3.5Not recommended:


    There’ s guide for beginners but nothing.
    - 0/0 -


    This is one thing i found good :).
    - 5/5 -


    What can i say? These levels are less in eyecandy , so simple and those Floating platforms :S . The background is nearly None and would be better in texture , Why didn’ t you made the same as in the Offical carottus levels? Eyecandy makes a level looks good and real , I think that it didn’ t taked too much time to make the levels . The Idea is not bad but you need more attentiion. There’ s no bugs in it. - 2/10 -


    From the first level to the third : too many pits , But pits was something I got killed . The boss level was very easy , but why did u need to froze at start? really not needed.
    The secrets makes it Bit good.
    - 2/10 -

    —-Enemy Placement—-

    There were a correct number of enemies and somewhere tricky . In the other hand there are lots of same Enemies, same Placings and some bugs.
    - 4/10 -

    —-Pickup Placement—-

    These levels are less in foods, got bad in coins, good in gems (instead of the bonus). The placements aren’ t bad but Too Many … TOO MANY powerups and the secrets are outfilled.
    - 2/10 -


    These Levels are in single short and the episode too. I Think you shoud practice , see some excellent levels or don’ t upload more levels.

    - 16/45 - 3,5/10

    2 of 4 people found this a good review. Did you? Yes/No

    Narsist 5 Aug 2010, 16:18

    3.7Not recommended:

    Actually, Rabid Rabb said everything.
    Could be good? Yes. But shuold be developed.

    This is a short review. It has less impact on the upload's score.

    MilloCz 16 Aug 2010, 10:28


    I love clever reviews like Rabb’s.
    If you want fun, download it.

    This is a short review. It has less impact on the upload's score.

    Jim_PPP01 5 Aug 2010, 17:08

    First of all Rabib Rab you will not tell me what to do (…don’ t upload more levels.) You got it? Secondly thanks to all of you for comments and rating. I think some of you didn’t read the readme file!!!! The difficulty lvl of this episode is: Novice. Thanks again for coments and rating. Because I see what you wrote I made the 3rd lvl of Hell Islands it is only the 3rd lvl to see the difficulty, the scenery and many many other thinks… Please see it and tell me what I should change to Green Islands and on this lvl that I say.

    1 of 3 people found this a good review. Did you? Yes/No