Beach Fall

  • Rating: 7.6

Reviews and comments

    the jamster 5 Nov 2010, 08:56


    I was first very sceptical of this, well actually I should be sceptical of any level. I to hosted this level with a decent amount of people on it. It was fun , and fun is what the levels are here to supply if not the level creator didn’t do there job right. Excellent level Sean.

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    Unearth 9 Nov 2010, 02:22


    Very nice level, I like it

    This is a short review. It has less impact on the upload's score.

    SilverStriker 16 Nov 2010, 13:34



    This is a short review. It has less impact on the upload's score.

    Loon 19 Nov 2010, 17:05 (edited 20 Nov 10, 22:54)

    4.8Not recommended:

    Sorry, I have to say that the flow in this level is bad and isn’t working, there are tilebugs and the gameplay is too good for Spaz. And it gives a rushed feeling too. So my conclusion is that this level has not (in my opinion) the possibility to play in..

    EDIT: That save point thing was bugging me too..

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    PT32 3 Jun 2011, 21:59


    I am SO sorry it took me so long to post this review, but I’ve had a lot going on lately.
    So without further ado, here it is.

    I liked this level. It was smart, good-looking, well put together, and it was a lot of fun. There were some interesting eyecandy techniques, (The floating islands and structures in the background, the fancy tube section in the middle) some good events (Although it would be pretty easy to just camp on the Seeker powerup), and a pretty decent layout. The death pit is a nice touch, and everything seems to click.

    The music track was fantastic, but since I wrote it, I suppose it really wouldn’t be fair to include it in my review…

    In short (And NOT because this has my song), I think this is a good solid pack, and I give it my seal of approval. Download today.

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    Zoro 6 Jun 2011, 05:37


    Good level!

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    troglobite 24 Sep 2010, 21:31 (edited 25 Sep 10, 01:26)


    I downloaded this level and hosted it for Sean. I haven’t played for a while, but it was pretty fun

    Eyecandy: 7/10

    The Eyecandy is relatively normal. I think it looks pretty good for the most part. I like the grassy parts at the bottom, and the floating sand platforms are decorated and interesting to look at. The only major visual flaw this level has is the large, bland upper areas. When using a copter to get to the bouncer or rf powerup, a player’s screen is pretty much just blue background, which is kind of dull.

    Gameplay: 7/10

    While there are some really good ideas in the gameplay, the level also has some awkward moments. The seeker and toaster powerups feel too close together, and it’s really easy to get both at once. The area right around the bases also lacks flow. When testing it, I found I frequently hit one of the green springs at 62,32 or 73,32, and ended up getting sucked up to the rf/bouncer warp when trying to get to the other base quickly. Avoiding the springs and actually going quickly felt a bit awkward. The rf jumps under the bases also make very little difference because these two springs also allow the player to launch to one of the sand platforms right next to the base. Some of other areas felt a bit too open, and I’m not a big fan of the H-poles.

    However, this level also has some great features. I like the full NRG over springs into a pit. This makes either getting the carrot, or preventing an opponent from getting it, much more interesting and exciting. Other than the seeker and toaster powerup, I think ammo is placed well, and there is the correct amount for a level of this size.

    Overall: 7/10
    The level is by no means perfect, but it is demonstrates talent on the part of its creator, and certainly can be fun to play.

    Edit: Forgot to put the actual rating.

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    Zerg 2 Apr 2011, 12:35 (edited 3 Jul 11, 14:36)


    Normal, could be improved a lot, especially on the upper part of the level. The bottom is good, I really like it, the center is normal, and the top is mostly bad.
    Bottom: With the brownish yellow ground (+the green rfs, blue bouncers), the background layer 5,6 made to green with plants, layer 7 with the sea, and layer 8 textured background fits really nice together.
    Center: Here mostly the layer 3 was used(with lots of tile type), on the front of layer 4. On the layer 7 the sea, the mountains on it’s top are seeable. The layer 4 is boring, with the repeating tiles. And finally those floating wood boxes with waterfalls from it in the background probably on layer 6.

    This is normal too. The poles on the center of the level are rather bad. The big one kicks you exactly into the pit. The other smaller ones are making you move slower, especially if you are playing with Jazz or Lori. The ways to the enemy bases are not equally long. The flying sands (and other things)ARE makeing the movement/flow bad/normal.

    Ammo placement
    This is well done. If we aren’t seeing that thing, that the seeker, toaster PUs are easily pickable with Electro Blaster/upgraded Bouncer and the other 2 PUs are taking longer time to collect, the Pepper Sprays are on bad place. I don’t know even now, where the +1 carrots are…(I won’t rate this). the Full NRG carrot is on a good place.

    Eyecandy: 6.8
    Ammo placement: 8
    No Bugs found,funny pit text:+0.5
    (6.8+6.7+8)/3+0,5=7,66= 7,7
    DR: Neutral, if you like sunny CTF levels, yes :).

    Edit: now know where is the 2 +1 car. raising with 0.2

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    X(AN)dy 24 Sep 2010, 10:17


    -Too fastest ways to bases(RF climb)
    -RF climb is not nice in beach levels
    -(recommended IC Tubelec)
    -Nice idea with copter
    -Good pit
    -And very much power ups,not nice sorry 8.7
    -Nice music for a beach level like this
    -Bad layers add more
    -Nice level of course. 9.2


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    Sean 14 Apr 2011, 07:43

    Zerg: The +1 carrots are at the sides of the Full NRG, and you have to shoot them down with Gun9.