Lava Factory

  • Rating: 5.4

Reviews and comments

    ThunderWalker 15 Nov 2010, 10:43


    Okey, here’s your review.

    Let’s start out with a Story.

    This level doesn’t have a story.

    Easy points as always.

    The eyecandy is pretty well. However, several tilebugs here and there with Layer 3, and also some tilebugs with collapsing scenery there.

    Sometimes it felt bland and the lava near Devan Shell was painfully executed.

    Very hard parts scattered around, with those falling rocks but also with the lava below. Text signs to warn for collapsing scenery would be nice anyway.

    Nothing special, alltough this level isn’t easy! Some parts, however, were annoying because of wrong use of the

    And too many checkpoints.

    And at last, some spikebolls were nearly impossible to pass without getting hurt.


    Somewhere, there was an huge cluster of enemies which I just blew up with TNT.
    However, don’t place enemies too close to checkpoints. Those can be practically invulnerable.

    Most other enemies were well placed anyway.

    The Boss was hard but not unbeatable.


    Pickups: Just enough of ammo and coins, and I ran around with 1 health often. The area arount the last checkpoint was too cramped. The pickups where just slammed in there but in fact there wasn’t enough space to contain them, which resulted in several unusual gameplay-bugs. Don’t stack all those events THAT close to eachother!

    Too few secrets, especially because most secrets where actually visible due to horrible Layer 3 usage.

    Replay value:
    Horrible. Lack of secrets and lack of a story hurts, and tilebugs aren’t really helping either. And orginality is very important, and this level clearly lacks orginality.

    35,5/60 -> 5,9/10

    Avoidable tilebugs: -0,5


    DR: Mwuah, so-so. You’ll likely to play this level only once and after you’ve done it, you’re going to delete it.

    This level has some good parts, but none of them are really orginal.

    1 person found this a good review. Did you? Yes/No

    troglobite 8 Nov 2010, 19:03

    Unfortunately, this seems to be TSF only. Even when I converted the level to 1.23, the game runs out of internal animation structures, and I can’t get it to run in 1.23 without removing a huge number of events, and therefore losing all real gameplay. Which is too bad, because I was looking forward to trying this level out.

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    Zerg 8 Nov 2010, 19:07 (edited 15 Jul 11, 12:50)

    E: it’s july 2011 now, and I think, thanks to trog, that I will make more smaller levels, than a few big, if I want to make an episode :).

    Jgke 8 Nov 2010, 19:28

    Zerg, music isn’t ran from internal animation structures.

    Panther 4 Dec 2010, 18:08 (edited 4 Dec 10, 20:20)

    Wrong upload. Sorry!