Carrotus Lake

  • Rating: 7.5

Reviews and comments

    Laro B. 5 Feb 2011, 16:47 (edited 6 Feb 11, 01:27)


    Carrotus Lake, the level name is better then the previous one.

    The gameplay is interesting because of the flow in this level, the size makes fast-paced duels with no camping. Like the full Carrot, interesting placement and it’s almost impossible to camp it. However, blue can defend easier then red and red base feels too cramped. But that doesn’t much matter in duels. The ammo placements and weapons are placed exactly where they are supposed to, the Seeker power-up is harder to get then the others. This is a pretty well balanced vertical level, even vertical CTF levels are usually hard to balance.

    Nice and simple use of the tileset, it doesn’t feel too full or too empty, its not distracting either. It’s very easy to get around except for the pumpkins wich can be annoyed sometime.

    The music choice is not bad. Its a nice track to listen while having a duel in this level.

    The level works best out with Spaz. but Jazz and Lori aren’t that bad here. The copter ears can provide much help in the open areas. Double jump is required sometime, this is playable for all charachters.

    Should I recommended this? Well if you are a duelist and want to try something new out, I would recommended this.

    PS. Sorry about my rate from the previous review.

    4 of 6 people found this a good review. Did you? Yes/No

    Ktos. 4 Feb 2011, 21:38 (edited 4 Feb 11, 21:38)

    Oh, nice, its called exactly like my first ctf level(I mean the filename).

    I don’t really mind this btw, ‘coz my first ctf level sucks.

    King487 4 Feb 2011, 23:10 (edited 5 Feb 11, 11:46)

    well thats nice… Didnt know tough, idea was by trey.. ehh..

    cuz i used a similar tileset?