Carrotus Cave v2

  • Rating: 7

Reviews and comments

    YRSHKD 20 Feb 2011, 14:24 (edited 24 Feb 11, 16:27 by Narsist)


    Well, now I have a new SP level and i want review it.

    Actually, I want say some interesting points, there is really really more “ammoful”! (Whoa, what is this? :D)
    Tileset is sweet, music is natural and soft. Enemies not bad, but some enemies is really unnecessary. Sometimes, I wanted say “what the ‘crab’?!” Because crab was really unnecessary.

    Dragon Flies! I loved them. They were is good placed (my bad English!) and sweet (interesting, huh? :) ) and erm… That’s it.

    But this is really complicated: Where is the exit?
    So I didn’t finish, I couldn’t.

    Anyway, sweet, but short, and no exit… So i’ll give 5.5 points.
    Recommend? Okay, I don’t know. But one day, it will happen :)

    Edit: Exit is hidden (really!) and i finished.
    Exit is really really hidden :p
    I’m giving 7 ;)

    DR? Yes!

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    Skitter 24 Feb 2011, 16:18 (edited 1 Apr 11, 15:27)

    Exit is hidden ;)
    Foreground layers are usable .
    There is a trap where are the bosses(devan and 2 bilsy)
    and a ‘end’ event too.
    Try to find it :P
    Soon i’ll finish an amazing ctf level :D
    Hmm , i’ll try to remake(make it more longer) the level and to delete some enemies.
    Thanks for review ;)

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