18 Jun 2011, 04:30 (edited 18 Jun 11, 04:31)
A bit strange level, nice background, a pair of campy places(a bit annoying), genius gameplay… Good luck with your next works.
17 Jun 2011, 14:18
A small review for you.
I liked the eyecandy very much, it was decent and never used before. Only the rain is falling very slow.
The layout is a bit dissapointing. The level hasn’t any kind of plants or something at layer 5, just some cave stuff. Could have placed some more cave/plants and all that other stuff.
The level is the same at both sides. It’s clearly done with Ctrl + F. Isn’t very creative to do actually.. I see some tilebugs too which shouldn’t be there..
The gameplay is not good but not bad aswell.., it might be fun to play but it has some weird things in it. Like the bouncer powerup, it is well placed but it’s campy and hard to make your way to the PU.
The RF’s are only getable by Electro which is spammed at a few places. I think people just want to play the map and don’t want to get ammo first to get other ammo.
The carrot is a bit campy too.
Also the spring overlaunches you to the base and the C, that makes the flow kind of bad. But the flow is good, except those 2 springs.
I don’t like the music choice for this map, it doesn’t fit it.
The lighting and sounds are too much placed or placed at a wrong tile where it shouldn’t be used.
Well! Since it’s fun to play this level I’ll give you a 7.