The hotel isn’t finished yet. The maths stuff, the tests and the rooms arent’t finished yet. But still, this hotel is quite good in comparison with the other hotels I’ve seen. (not that I’ve seen many :-)
The pool is quite fun, I especially like the water slide but I just don’t get it: what ARE hotels good for? They’re not a battle arena, they’re not some kind of giant chatroom, ppl just run around inside them visiting rooms and stuff. Is that really fun?
But anyway, I’ll give this a 6.7 for now until you finish it. Then I maybe will raise the score.
Oh, btw,
, can I have room plz? :). A public one would do fine and make it as white as possible. ;)
Posted more than 21 years ago
HiYaz! LuckzyGuY!
Well!….I’ll have to go with Violet on this one but a little higher than Violet. I don’t like hotels that are more scattered out either. Sorry =(……………….But, I think this level is a little underrated…….It deserves better…….
Don’t give up and keep making those levels Luckzyguy! -Jman
P.S. If you are a hotel fan…………get this one to add to your collection…….But, thats only for hotel fans! =) [This review has been edited by Jman]
Posted more than 21 years ago (edited 18 Jun 08, 17:44)
This level is ok.I like all the work you have put into the level. But i have to give you a five until the complete version is done (if it ever gets done)
The Puzzles can get confusing if u know what i mean.
2.5- Level Layout and stuff.
2.0-Choice of tileset Etc.
.5-for your hard work.
Posted more than 21 years ago
Shouldnt this be under lvls???
anyways most hotels arent that fun, so im not even going to download this
yeah Reblic i know hotel lvls arent good but its my first release come on! dont get steamed! ;-)
BTW ninjaUR aaah hotel hell is a good lvl but with enemies? COOL!
do u want me to add some too??! :-D.
yup it isnt finished yet
,white rabbit
also im happy u like the pool
with the water slide :-)
i think hotels are for entertaining too…
well youll have a public white room! soon i guess
well ive give my lvl 1.2 score coz im ashamed of myself putting a lvl in jazz2 online :-(
I saw this hotel, but I didn’t really like it much. Sorry.
(Unsupported rating removal edit. ~Violet)[This review has been edited by Violet CLM]