Since duels are one of my favourite things when it comes to JJ2, I decided to rate this ’1-vs1 battle level’ by PT32.
Okay, the first notable thing of this level is the size. The playable area is about 70 × 20, which is pretty okay for a level designed for duels. The problem is that this level consists of only 2 large platform, which results in no gameplay at all – or at least very, very little (in the whole level, but especially in the upper half). A good thing about the design is how the area near the carrot is pretty cramped (which adds to the gameplay).
I however think the Seeker-ammo kinda ruins the carrot-area (it makes the area too easy to defend or to camp there) and the other ammo seems pretty randomly placed. Perhaps you could’ve put the Seeker-ammo where the Toaster-ammo is now, since it would be more risky to get it – and the Toaster-ammo near the +1 carrot. At least the ammount is okay (lots of Toaster and just 4 Seeker-ammo). Also – I think the carrot-area would’ve been better without the ‘rail’ above it, since this makes the area even more campable. Another thing to note is the fact that this level has no springs at all – which is a nice idea. It however does make the level very Spaz-biased, which obviously is a bad thing. Finally, there are no PU’s in this small level – which is a good thing.
About the eyecandy.. it’s pretty decent and definitely the best part of this level. I like how PT32 used the unmasked ground tiles (meant as background-EC) at layer 3 to give the level a darker cave-look. I also like the ‘crystal’ in combination with the Flick Light-events. I however don’t like the lava-falls behind the crystal (kinda ruins the effect. I would’ve liked an orange lava-fall in the level to ‘break’ all the white- and blueness. Finally, the background-eyecandy divides the level in areas, which is a positive thing.
So, to summarize the things above: some of the ideas are okay, the eyecandy is okay – but the level overall is just way too simplistic. I think especially event placement needs to be improved dramatically. Since there are lots of other better battle levels suitable for duels out there, I unfortunately don’t recommend this.
Rating: Size (70) + Eyecandy (60*3) + Gameplay (32,5*3) + Event placement (20*2) + Theme (75) = 462,5.