Here goes
Pitch Black:-0.5
Hmm…To hard to navigate -1.0, and kind of hard to play with many ppl online -.2, but backround is kewl +1.5 and the gem placement is ok +.1. The layout isnt bad and nice spring placement +.9
Hide and heat seek: 1.7
good eyecandy +1.7, and good gem placement +1.0, bit big and well, big -1.0
Probably the best, nice music choice +0.5, and good layout +1.5, but hard to get around in -.5. Eyecandy ok +0.4
End of hours: 1.7
Also a bit big, but easy to navigate +1.4 and good gem and sucker placemnt +0.6, the backround, i dont like it as much but it is ok -.3
Dark Awakening:-1.8
NO BACKROUND?!?!leaves traces _ -3.3
Good placement +0.5, good tileset use (other than backround) +0.6, and music ok +0.5
Total 3×2=6.0 +0.5 for including good music and effort.
Total score=6.5[This review has been edited by Blackraptor]
-That was my original review. I thought’d I just redownload this, after all this time, and rate it once again since my old review SUCKED. Here goes:
Before rating information: Apparently this pack was created in 2001, long time ago. Let’s see how good stuff could’ove gotten back then. And the Zip file has a comment, how rux. Also, I’m testing these online now.
LGABYSS (The Abyss): Uses the egyptian night set. Good tileset choice. At first I thought the level was OK, but then it grew on me. Some thing that was annoying for me was that it was hard to get up, it took some time to land on the springs and sometimes even some more times to get them to bounce you up to the right place. I quite disliked bumpyness of the level, and I can’t imagine playing as jazz here. Other than that, there is a fair amount of gems, and I like the part where “Treasure comes to those who wait”. Another thing that sort of ticked me off were the hurt events. Only the host can die from them, which coincidentally happend to me, which made me lose my 150 gems and die. I had to cycle the level with PC4 then. Overall, it was a level which the eyecandy looked rux, but I didn’t really like the layout too much, nor the hurt events.
LGPBLACK (Pitch Black): Hmm..a pitch black caslte level. The level is basically a maze of rooms and suckers, and the lighting is what the level name implies, pitch black. I found the level quite original and interesting, I like how the suckers jut you in the rooms and how those ceiling springs bash you on a gemstomp or super gem. The only thing I disliked was that I couldn’t find the exit room, until I actually looked in JCS. Then I still couldn’t find the exit room, nor the room that has the exit sign pointing towards the exit room. THEN I finally found it. Maybe with more people this kinda thing wouldn’t happen, but for me it was sort of annoying, but I’m not an expert on navigating mazes. The level was original, interesting, but didn’t really stick out that much. Music was ok.
LGEHOURS (End Of Hours): At first glance, I didn’t really like how the walls were made, the same one or two tiles kept repeating themselves and it was kinda boring. The interior of the walls being black was original though, I liked it. The layer 5 was also nicely done. I didn’t like the backround too much, but it didn’t show that often. Again there’s a trigger crate in the level, this time I have no idea what it does. The gems were placed well in the level, and the music ruxed. Not much else to say.
LGAWAKE (Dark Awakening): Ah, I remember reviewing this, the level without a bg, fun. This time, though, I’m actually playing this online, so the trace bug is nonexistant. The level looks ok, the eyecandy isn’t the best, but this was made a while ago so it mighta been considered excellent back then. The BG looks nice, like a night sky, with lightning, which also looks spiffy. I’m not too fond of the layout, but the level overall is well done.
LGHSEEK (Hide And Heat Seek): A Labrat level, argh overused tileset. The layout here is original, I especially love how the text sign was made (the text sign being in a foreground layer that has a different X-speed than the sprite layer. The level had a lot of belts, but they ruxed and shouldn’t get in the way. The layout, though linear, rocked. It didnt make me feel like I was playing in another labrat level, and thats good. A thing I didn’t like was in the bonus warp, I landed in an area with seekers (Hide and Heat Seek, makes sense), but then I sidekicked the crates and fell into a warp I had no idea was there, thus wasting 10 valuable coins for nothing. If there was something that would point out the existance of the warp, I wouldn’t have done that, but there wasnt. I also found a mini bug, which I’m not sure if the level or jj2 was at fault, where I jumped on a belt, but it had no effect on me (I just stood there). I rejumped on the belt and it worked again. Also, I like the different Sector things in the bonus warp, reduces camping. The layout of the level was imo a bit too crowded, I frequently bumped into stuff, this also made the seeker less useful (which is good in treasure) so I dont mind.
OVERALL: Its pretty good for a treasure pack, even now. It has a lot of originality, and there will surely be something of interest to you in at least one of the levels.
LGABYSS (The Abyss): 8.1
LGPBLACK (Pitch Black): 8.2
LGEHOURS (End Of Hours): 8.2
LGAWAKE (Dark Awakening): 8.3
LGHSEEK (Hide And Heat Seek): 8.6
Final Rating: 8.2666666, rounded to an 8.2
Final Comments: Apologies for the previous review, where as I underrated this. This is a nicely done Treasure pack, even now its still pretty good. I disliked some things in it, which brought down the rating. The average of this should of been around 8 or so, but I was nice and boosted up the rating of some levels by up to +.3 points. Anyways, Good Job and a Download Reccomendation, since you don’t see Treasure Packs often, and good treasure packs even rarer.
[This review has been edited by Blackraptor]