First of all why didn’t you change the names of the levels? It’s not very convinient to replace the original ones with these levels to play them.
The levels aren’t worth plaing at all- I can’t even see the certain path at the vasp majority of them. Some of them have problems with lighting.
There are also some survivals like Kill enemy or boss. First one has a terrible layout and respawns tons of enemies which is pretty pointless. The music isn’t associated with the tileset. The same goes for the boss fights where you have to face a group of bosses. It’s not challenging at all due to the fact that it’s enough to kill a single boss to exit the level.
The only thing I liked in this pack was the remake of an unfinished original Psych level known as “Far Out”. It can be easily recognized though you renamed it to “Funky Grooveathon” which is the name of the 2nd Psych level. You’ve extended it and placed the Bubba boss here. It could be a decent level if there weren’t places you can’t get through… I counted at least 3 of them. The drums (or whatever they are) in the narrow tunnels are an impassable barrier due to their awful mask.