People mostly dont review a new person’s first level, but i tried it, and i came to think that it deserves some feedback.
It’s quite simple, and similar to the basic design of Tubelectric, the background is nice, even if it looks like a copy of the original, least you was smart enough to do so. The edges of the walls and platformars are correct, and the walls themself arent mostly made with only one tile, you seem to understand how to make such. Anyway, if you put tiles to non-moving forground layers, make sure to put the nearby walls to it too, to make it natural. You even used some animated tiles, and used them fine.
With the walltypes, the level is separated to 3 near equal parts, alrtoung the things in it are’n like that. The two useful powerrups are close in the middle (horizontally) there are two carrots sort of like that it’s allright. However the corners on the level are a little useless, ammos are over the level, so you dont need to go there for that. Every place should have use in the level, it can be to get powerups, health, get ammo, hide or such. Yet the corners arent really good for even hiding. You should plan the level on the siginciant things, and the ways between them.
I didnt play on this level, just ran around like 3 times, and i think that it would be bad for battle because if you get hit with a 2dmg ammo, you slowly can get 2 carrots, and you become very vulnerable, with 5 hearts, it might be okay but still it would be just around the important parts of the level. However, i think it could be pertty good for pestillence or lrs, these gametypes can be good with places to hide, where people less likely go because it doesnt have much in it. The flow (the smoothness of moving) is generally fine, but in some cases are annoying, one to point out: the stairs with toasters. There are lots of random start positions, could be less, in my opinion. Oh, and one more thing, dont leave the very edges of the level open, its buggy.
The first thing came to my mind was that there are too much ammos all over the level, moreover, all of them mixed. You should use like: one type, a big pile, in a room of the level, so if your low, of that ammo, you go there and reload it. Yet the placement of the PUs are pretty accurate. The ice PU is useless, you should put an RF or Toaster PU instead, and should’ve put it into the box of the fastfires. The carrots are placed right, but they are not enough, i would say the minimum is 3, but it could have 4 without any problem, too.
I personally like it, though it doesnt really fit the level in my opinion.
It’s not bad, you are in the right way to become a good levelmaker.
I give you some notes:
You should play, and check other people’s nice levels, like FireSword’s Garden Brawl or Purplejazz’s Triton Armory to see how a good level is like, how it works, what makes it is good.
You could also read articles about how to make levels, of course if you understand english well. For example Blackraptor’s How to make decent (or better) MP levels
If you are determined, you can win the joy of having played levels!
5.7 out of 10