heya ssj ik ken je lvl wel :) het is een goed lvl met een goede tileset :) ik download het ook cya all ps
DOWNLOAD THIS LVL ITS VERY DETAILED[This review has been edited by Bod xan dbZ]
Its a pack with 2 multiplayer lvl’s. Made by two of agama’s tilesets: Egypt day/night. And DONT expect TO MUCH from this pack, because this is my first pack that i release on Jazz2Online.
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7.74 kB | |
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Egypt 1 | 16.95 kB |
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Egypt 2 ~Night~ | 28.77 kB |
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Egypt (day) | 223.15 kB |
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Egypt (night) | 190.87 kB |
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ZARATHUSTRA by DRAX | 494.94 kB |
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577.44 kB | |
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19.00 kB |
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heya ssj ik ken je lvl wel :) het is een goed lvl met een goede tileset :) ik download het ook cya all ps
DOWNLOAD THIS LVL ITS VERY DETAILED[This review has been edited by Bod xan dbZ]
I think all i need to say is download :)
The eyecandy’s good, so is the level design… Need i say more?
Wow. Great pack. I was some of the final beta testers, so yahoo. Anyway, my first comment is to Bod Xan Dbz. Don’t use dutch language here. Much ppl will understand it, but also much ppl won’t.
The review:
The first level is great. It has the look-and-feel of a real village, and the ammo is very nice. The tileset (Agama’s Egypt Day) is used very well. At some points there could be some more variety, but it looks good at all. The other event placement is also great, but maybe some more springs would be fine.
First level rating: 8.0
The second level is also great. It uses the “night” version of Agama’s Egypt tileset and has aslo got that look and feel of a village. One bad point is that there’s only one start point. The ammo and event placement is good but could be better. There are some nice “doomed piramids” or something wich makes you very diizzy. There’s also some secret piramid. If you enter it, you’re in some maze where you can find a bird morph. I like this level, but not as much as the first lev.
Second level rating: 7.0
Eat my review, please :D
Excellent!! You have at last taken sanity and reduced the amount of ammo in these two lvls Supersaiyan, cause the older versions had weapons placement that looked like it was put there by a lunatic escaped from an mental asylum. ;-D This time, both of the lvls has splendid weapons placement (not better than mine though :-P)and also food which can let you get a sugar rush which I not so long ago discovered works in MP.
The first lvl is quite big (or is it?) and has both inside and outside areas. Plenty of eyecandies and lotsa lotsa background stuff. Also, some nice use of platforms and other stuff. In fact, it’s the use of the tileset rather than the structure of the lvl that impresses me. Great lvl.
The second lvl is faaaaaar better. :D It’s my favourite actually. It’s in the night and there are BIG buildings, plenty of stuff and much much more background eyecandy than the first one. AS I can see , you’ve added some inside areas in this lvl too which is pretty good but still not of as high quality as the outside area. The lvls got pillars, palm trees, bugs and other annoying flying things ;), some statues, nicely decorated houses and HUGE pyramids. The pyramid, is the BEST part of this lvl and they are just great!!! You go up, up, up, up and furhter up and then yer climb up, up, up and further up again till yer warp inside one of them and gets all dDiiIZZzzyyyy…
Too make everything short: the pyramid rocks!!! :-D Also, probably cause the pyramid was so popular, Super Saiyan has decided to make an even bigger one with more dizziness which lasts longer. You have to collect 20 coins for it (sooner or later ppl will start queing for the pyramid :-D) but it’s totally worth it. You go up and down and left and right and gets all dDiiIZZzzyyyy…
Too make everything short: the big pyramid rocks even more!!! :-D
Excellent lvl.
Unfortunately, no lvls can be perfect and it looks like it’s just the same for these two. My complaints are: (don’t worry, ;-) they’re not much)the lvl lacks one way events and ppl have to go around them to go up, not so good, the places that lacks most one ways are some of the palm trees, the houses, the roofs and some other stuff. Also, Egypt Night is faar toooo dark. You can’t see a fr*ggin d*mn thing!!!Sry, but -0.3 for that.
Well, what more can I say??? It’s an very high 8.7. Download NOW, and I mean NOW!! (Not later :-P)[This review has been edited by White Rabbit]
nice lvl with nice tileset we want more
Cool pack :=D.Hmm,im just wondering why you deleaed Egypt 2 in first place,you could only corect it :-) But these is your pack……..Master :) I think next lvls gona be mutch better
YaY! I love this tileset, and these levels too. Good work!
this is not the best lvl i’v seen , its ok
HEH man cool lvl …
THe lvl has good eyecandy and playfeeling… weapon placement is also good (maybe some more ;P )
A must have for everyone…
This 2 lvl’s are really really really Great, it have’s a really really really Great EyeCandy And a Cool Play Feeling.
Good Job!I Luuuuuv
The Tileset, Also the lvl’s ;-)
this lvlpack is great i think….. :-)
Super Saiyan’s first J2O release is fabulous. They’re made with tileset god Agama’s Egypt tilesets. With these sets you just can’t make lousy levels. And Super Saiyan’s levels are made with time. They’re large, the event placement is like it should be. The buidings look funny though because of too many windows and plants. The level design is little bit confusing and someone can find the largeness of the levels little annoying.
Anyway these levels are good, above the mass of ordinary levelpacks.
Cool-o-rific-ness! Saiyens first Jazz2online release rocks da stadium! But, lets get down to the nitty-gritty of my list of complaints:
-some dead ends
-i discovered some enemys in the 2nd level
-Cinda easy to get lost(for me)
-The 100+lighting in
level 2 cinda blinds the eyes(no wonder i have glasses:-P)
-Some places are very linear
-The “tileset by Agama” sign in the 1st level folows you, wich makes it iritating to play
And my list of things that are good:-D:
-Superb level design
-Perfect use of agamas tileset
I liked the “Birds for 15 dinar” slogan, even though it was 10 ]coins dinar:
-The way you used the tileset, is a way i`ve never seen it being used before
-Someone finaly used an underused custom tileset!
To conclude this review, i must admit that these levels are, in some aspects, way beter then my first levels. Dont read this, download now:-D
P.S.: Incase you did`nt know, Skulg is a she(it said he in the readme:-D).
Howly Macral! :)
I mean howly rabit f-curze
Well done dude! I like it bigtime, very worthy do download
=$îlvèr= has spoken :P
These levels were very overdosed on eyecandy, hard to see where you’re going.
The second level was way too dark.
It was very hard to get anywhere because of bad design.
The buildings weren’t constructed very well.
The first level feels a lot like a single player level in several places.
These levels are a little to big to be the sort of thing I like.
TNT is used.
There are WAY too many weapons/
There are several good things about these, but the bad points mostly over rule them. However, these are still above average. 6.5.
Cool idea to make a city with gangs and all…..
nice work with the level i like jungle levels and stuff like that u did well..
And that for a first level nice u should all download this u’ll love it!!!
Tha jokerzz[This review has been edited by Tha jokerz]
w00py. Nice packy. This rulez. And erhm.. Xan? Please do not so “dutchy”! :P
Nice overall use of the tileset keep it going good!
Nice…… i really , really love this level! keep this work up!
DoWnLOAD recoMMedation!!!
Plz don’t review these lvls twice Elrick. It’s gonna boost up the lvl rating. (Not that it doesn’t deserves it ;-D)
The pyramid ROCKS!!! ;-D
Sorry about that Cell and Skulg.
If i could re-upload, I would fix this and release again the Uploaded pack…
but the re-upload option doesnts seem too work.GrRrRrRr
You made a good job. I like the levels made with the Egypt tileset, especially because i’m too lazy to make levels with that set:-P
(Inappropiate rating (9.7) removal. Could you PLEASE give some more reasons with your review? – FQuist)
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Eat your lima beans, Johnny.