Rat Race
I made this level in a few months, finished somewhere late October. One month has passed, and here is the result!
The level is suited for duels, 2v2’s and 3v3’s.
The concept is pretty simple. In the start you get randomly a power upped weapon, this could be: Blaster, Bouncer, Seeker, RF or toaster.
Make sure NOT to use Get Me R at the start!
When you ran out of ammo, don’t worry, there is a re-load warp somewhere in the map!
There are three +1 health carrots spread over the map.
In the lite version you won’t start with a power upped weapon, they are across the map.
The music can be found right here
I hope you enjoy this map!
Downloads, rates and reviews are highly appreciated!
Sir Ementaler, FawFuL, Kiiyuka, Cooba (tileset), and others I might have forgotten.