I think this is a very good way to pay our respect to the victims of the bombings. Very good URJazz!
I think this is a very good way to pay our respect to the victims of the bombings. Very good URJazz!
Well, this isnt a verygood idea becuase in a way, ur mocking what happened and u shouldnt do things like this. If u truly feel u want ppl to give their time remembering what happend to the World Trade Center post it onJCF becuase this isnt good. I dun think it deserves a 10 just because its pursuading u to give blessings to the ppl who died, becuase that has NOTHING to do with the level itself and i dun think u should rate it for that. If i were to rate this, it would be around a lets see um…..1.2!
But im not in the mood for rating anything like this and i really think u should have poasted this on JCF where people can reply to this and stuff. If u did post it on JCF (never looked) than ignore what i said. If anyone wanrs to know, Im canadian and new york is just a few kilometers away. Thankfully, nonne of my family members where imjured in thisd event becuase they dont work there and such, but O give respect to those who’s parents have been killed along with the 5000 others, and im sad that they had to live through that.
Overall, this isnt a good level though Btw: NEWSPAZ IS AN ADMIN :O:O:OHave you ever had one of those days, when you wake up, and know something bad is going to happen, and find out that the twin towers are gone?I sure did. This really isn’t a lvl… So I won’t rate.[This review has been edited by Inf. Spaz]
I guess it’s good. But I don’t think this should be rated. Because it will mess up j2o no matter how good it is.
The music fills my eyes with tears…it’s so sad…
Ya know, I was gonna do the same thing! I’ve been praying like ALL day for peace and all… hope we don’t break out into WORLD WAR III!!! Oh well, we can incinerate Afghanistan with BOTH hands tied behind our backs!
Short and Sweet, i’m making a Memorial Level too. But i’m not submitting it on J2O. Good idea URJazzCC!
NM, i’m going to submit it on J2O. I hope URJazzCC doesn’t mind[This review has been edited by JJ Tublear]
My uncle was working in the second tower when he heard the explosion next door. He was there in the bombing in 1993 and decided he wouldn’t wait around for another plane to come crashing down on him. He left and when he was down the street both towers were on fire. We were very scared.
Violet CLM: Very touching. Please don’t rate this.[This review has been edited by Violet CLM]
this level is not very, good, should have taken more time to work on it. but i give it a ten because urjazz’s heart is in the right place. 8,-(
i will probobly make another one, but i have alot of free time so it will be bigger
Violet CLM: What a pity we rate levels based on the levels, not the hearts of the reviewers.[This review has been edited by Violet CLM]
The music really touched me.
Why u all givin him a ten??!?!? noone wants to download this lvl anymore cuz he got ten so……..
I really don’t know if a Jazz2 level using the Carrottus tileset is too appropiate in this case (terrorist attack, about 5000 people dead).
However, this is the place to review and rate levels: there is no design and no eyecandy, just some gems, carrots and text events showing the compassion of the author. Well, at least i didn’t find any major bugs in the level. The music obviously fits, it’s an ImpulseTracker version of The Verve’s “Bittersweet Symphony” and quite sad.
Personally, i think there was no need for this level and/or at least no need to upload it at Jazz 2 Online. Waste of bytes.[This review has been edited by Aiko]
Violet CLM: As much as I agree with you, this probably shouldn’t be rated.[This review has been edited by Violet CLM]
I greatly encourage an initiative like this, although I would have picked the Heaven tileset (by agama) to give a better ambient surrounding to the idea.
Violet CLM: Well, we’ll be sure to blow something up again, so you can use the Heaven tileset in a level. Rating removed.[This review has been edited by Violet CLM]
Not Good,
a Very Bad way Too Use it in this way too get an Higher Rating.
and Carrotus is Very OverUssed,
Violet CLM: All very true. Still, even if this was a normal upload, this review isn’t detailed enough. Whoops.[This review has been edited by Violet CLM]
One word. Crap
Violet CLM: One word: Removed.[This review has been edited by Violet CLM]
good of you to think also on others not onley on jazz :)
Violet CLM: This rating has been removed. It probably would be on any upload, for that matter. I mean, what about the level?[This review has been edited by Violet CLM]
HEY…Ninja don’t be insulting people..I didn’t make this level for good review or anything like that.If you don’t know around 5,000 people died, and I felt that I should do something for them…Sheeesshhh…I’m a Canadian and I still care.And I take offense for people out there calling this ‘crap’ because this isn’t for your personal pleasure or anything..It’s a show of respect..So show some respect!
URJazzCC I think you’ll teach some people a lesson. It seems the Europeans don’t care about what happened on Tuesday. Everyone who gave this level a 1/2.0 are European. Hmm…
I usually NEVER post N/A posts, but i have to say something here:
We do care about what happened. At least a lot more than any American ever cared about any wars or terrorist attacks in Europe or the Middle East(!) in the last fifty years. Ever heard about ETA in Spain, iRA in Ireland, RAF in Germany (in the seventies)? Ever heard about serbian massacres in Srebrenica in 1995? Did you pray for the Iraquis who died in the US bombings the past years? Well, think about it.
I can only tell you that you have my compassion because of those horrible attacks on Tuesday. Apart from that, this level posted here is a bad level.
And JJ Tublear, i guess you’re about to be kicked from Jazz2Online forever. Sometime it’s just enough with all those personal attacks. And NinjaUR, i requested a serious warning for you. Watch your language.
JJ tublear, NinjaUR, personal attacks are not a good subject to post about so soon after this attack.
You have my compassion too, Americans. But, however nice a gesture this is, levels should be rated for their quality and not for their goal, as it would mess up the site forever.(like.. memorial levels would make up the top of the charts..)
Well I’m sorry if American’s don’t feel sad about European terrorist attacks, but If you don’t know, this is alot more ‘important’ and I’ve never heard of one of those, so you can’t say I couldn’t or didn’t care
The music is excellent,
the idea is good,
but i just can’t rewiew this…
i know its a level to remember the victems in the war but vouldent you make it a bit more fun p-p-please!
i,m afraid it could knok you alseep forever like this zzzzzzzzzzzz (z removal) zzzzzzzzzzzzz
Violet CLM: Oh, god. Victims in the war? Don’t rate this.[This review has been edited by Violet CLM]
There is quite a problem facing reviewing a level such as this one. In esscence, this problem is to many either a question of patriotism or a question of fair reviewing. Myself, I do feel every sympathy for the thousands who died in this attack (I know many people who had family members who died, so my rating is not based off the fact that I do not think this was an important event). While it is true that what happened on that Tuesday is horrible and should remain in the memories of all for a long time, this level feels sort of disrespectful. I do not like the accusations here, though – URJazz did this out of respect for those who were killed. The whole idea of you all flaming eachother and accusing eachother of being against peace is much more disrespectful to those thousands of people who lost their lives than a level could ever be, perhaps. Still, this is not a good level at all. Eyecandy is poor. Gameplay is non-existant. The music, “Bittersweet Symphony” by an English unfairly-one-hit-wonder band called the Verve (actually an illegal loop of the Rolling Stones song recovered by the Symphonics – which is why they are no longer around). This level just is not good. As well-intended as it may be, it just does not come off well. Regardless, please show respect for everyone – regardless of whether you rated this level low or high.[This review has been edited by Trafton AT]
Violet CLM: Indeed, indeed, there is quite a problem. I find the best solution is to remove all the ratings.[This review has been edited by Violet CLM]
hmm…. played the level, there’s just one word for it: CRAP. the extra half point is for the idea of making a lvl for the victims in america on 11 sept. 2001, i just don’t think it’s the good game for it(5000 ppl died and u r killing other rabbits…)
never mess with a gun[This review has been edited by blaster]
Violet CLM: If you can’t be bothered to write anything more about this level than the word “CRAP”, don’t bother writing a review. And especially don’t add half points like that.[This review has been edited by Violet CLM]
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Eat your lima beans, Johnny.