Something I didn’t quite add in the credits but I felt the need to add is that this level is heavily inspired by Cargo Sector 5 by FireSworD and that he is a great levelmaker xoxo
7 Sep 2013, 06:31
Whenever rag touches battleships it turns into something great. Basic things like flow and ammo placement are well done. The original concept of this level is the ice/rf you need to move around. Imo it’s well done in this level and is not annoying. What I liked most is that this is fun to play, I’d love to see this added in the multiladder mappool.
Yet another level using a battleships-tileset by rag, and that just tells you can expect high quality. The level is still very innovative with a good-looking palette which I haven’t yet seen for this tileset, and the gameplay isn’t too mainstream with the extra passages that become available for you when you obtain certain types of ammo. DL rec.
25 Apr 2014, 22:10 (edited 25 Apr 14, 22:13)
This level makes the best use of utilising belt floors in multiplayer, which makes it stand out. My nitpicks are, is that the top right corner is a little campy, and the top warp is fairly useless. Too much trouble to prepare getting to, for little reward and high risk. Reguardless, this level is solid and relatively balanced.