Very good level! The anglescript code is superb! I can also change music in angelscript using Notepad++.
Also, you forgot to insert the rest of music Violet CLM.
I also like custom weapons like shield cubes, ricochet fire, chain launcher and flaming footprint. I also think about the angelscript code of ricochet fire weapon.
By the way, the level is awesome!
10/10 HYPE!
20 Oct 2013, 12:33
Barrier shattering, record breaking. Incredible all around.
Offtopic question; why don’t you rather upload these videos on Youtube? It would raise JJ2’s popularity.
Outstanding, plain and simple. This level really raises the bar when it comes to making use of AngelScript.
If this is an example of what is now possible through JJ2+, then I’m looking forward to seeing more uploads in the future.
21 Oct 2013, 10:27 (edited 21 Oct 13, 19:05)
This level is a YOLO. Download!
21 Oct 2013, 11:36
Amazing level that shows many of the new AngelScript features the new plus has to offer. I never could have imagined to see such a gameplay changing level.
21 Oct 2013, 18:30 (edited 21 Oct 13, 18:31)
violet kicks all of our asses in jcs it seems
21 Oct 2013, 21:02 (edited 21 Oct 13, 21:04)
Violet kicks all of our asses in angelscript, but not quite with the basic jcs. We, generally speaking are all very amazed by the ridiculously cool script. But if you take away the scripting part, the level itself is far off from evilmikes SP works in JCS. There is more to offer for the jj2 future!
I always loved customized enemies and bosses. I couldn’t be more satisfied!
is this jj2
6 Nov 2013, 11:23
Mostly agreed with FawFuL on this upload.
6 Apr 2014, 12:08
An awesome level with a smart use of the AngelScripts functions. JJ2 may have really good future!
Keep going!
Let me see… great tileset, incredibly good scripting, and great music and design!
However, I didn’t like the control set. In rest it was great!
10/10 would play again!
It’s simply perfect, it feels as if it was an official level, and it implements a feature that i’d like to see more of in multiplayer matches
This level is pretty cool and I like it….Looks like an Egyptian level that is made by another tool :D
very cool level, i like it a lot