Everlasting Allyship

  • Rating: 7.9

Reviews and comments

    Super Saiyan Posted more than 21 years ago


    this review wil be the first review of this lvl…
    Now the review…Its Kinda boring if you play over and over the same lvl…i would say if you had made a few lvl’s more i would give this [pack] a higher rating but…you didnt do that…so i wont give a higher rating then 8:).The EyeCandy is OK Also the weapon Placement.The Music is also cool its really fit to the lvl…One Bad Point when you make a lvl even a multiplayer lvl make always a jazz/spaz start position in a lvl, its a little bit faster to open a lvl otherwise you must go to jazz and go to server and fill bla bla in and then host it…and then again bla bla bla…(You forget to set a jazz/spaz start(for single)in your lvl). And Farther the Tileset is OKE, Also the lvl…Great Work! [This review has been edited by Super Saiyan]

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    White Rabbit Posted more than 21 years ago


    I agree with most of what Supersaiyan has said here. The lvl is OK with good weapons placement and great eyecandy. It rocks! Not more than the pyramids of course. ;-)
    The bad points in this that the gameplay isn’t good enough so you have to stop and jump and stop and shoot and stop and buttstomp and so on. Try to work more on the lvls gameplay Flash, cause right now this lvl only gets a 7.5 out of a possible 8.5 from me.

    But it’s still a good lvl. Keep up the good work Flash and the rest of you: download this.

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    ÍpÐøpé Posted more than 21 years ago


    Ok, Flash, finally my review :-)

    Good points:
    ~Great Eyecandy;
    ~Weapons placement is good too;
    ~Cool music;
    ~Good use of Tileset.

    Bad points:
    ~Like White rabbits review: the game play isn’t very good, cuz all those blocks you have to shoot etc.

    But i really recommend to downloading this, because this lvl rulez (exept the blocks). Mayby its an idea to change it, and re-upload the level. After that i will think about your 8.5 or something :-)

    ~JøJø aka ÍpÐøpé

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    aiko Posted more than 21 years ago


    (Aww! Why do these authors always forgot to set a single player start event?!)
    Well, as for the actual review, Fl@sh made some good choices before he decided to start building the level: he uses Disguise’s COMPLETELY AWESOME “Spacey Universe” tileset and the fasttracked “Deadlock” tune by Elwood (so…as you can see, the music is not by “Somebody” but by Elwood, member of the super 133t finnish demo/tracking scene!).
    The level itself looks very cool, Fl@sh used all kinds of different structures and objects from the set and placed them very wisely. The design makes it very fluently playable and a joyful experience to battle! About the layer work: what can i say, just beautiful…mainly because of the tileset but the level author did what he had to do. Very nice arrangements!
    The music (see above) also fits perfectly.

    I reward “Everlasting Allyship” with eight (8!!!) points because i’m sooo happy to finally some quality at J2O and some guys that still know how to choose a neat tileset and make a good level out of it. Great level making, Fl@shman![This review has been edited by Aiko]

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    >CelL< Posted more than 21 years ago


    Spacey-ness! This level is realy one of the best battle levels i`ve seen in a while. Flash used the (AWESOME!!!) tileset “spacey universe) by Disguese very neatly. The level design is superb. The ammo placement and stuff like that is good too. The music fits very well too. I also like the slogan:“Jazz2 4ever!”(who does`nt?:-d)
    To end this review, i would like to say that every battle fan out there should download this!


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    Freezolf Posted more than 21 years ago


    >Nice, tihs battle is pretty good, but this can be very boring by playing the same level over and over. You forget the Single player start but anything else looks good.
    you should download this anyway

    This is a short review. It has less impact on the upload's score.

    fearofdark 20 Oct 2004, 19:26 (edited 23 Feb 06, 19:26)


    EYECANDY: Bit more on the foreground layers then you would have made me more happy than i am. I give eyecandy 14/20 (STILL GOOD)

    SIZE: NICE BIG BATTLE ARENA. But I found very thin parts of the map. I’d say…..17/20 on size.

    ITEMS: Hmmmmm, not sure about this one. Some places there are lots of ammo and some places there arn’t any at all. You’ve got a 15/20 on items.

    GAMEPLAY: Not sure on this one either. There are a fair amount of warps and hidden bits. Um……. 17/20.

    FEATURES (to fill enemies): I’m also not sure on this one. A few DESTRUCT and BUTTSTOMP tiles. What am I saying? 20/20!!!!!

    14= 83/100 Convert into 10 = 8.3

    Round up to nearest avalible rating= 8.2!!!!!

    Download Recommendation: Yes!!!!

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    American Posted more than 21 years ago


    A very good space level, especially with all the Mezz-based horrors out there.

    This is a short review. It has less impact on the upload's score.