jazz4 test lvl!read notepad!

  • Rating: 2.3

Reviews and comments

    Nitro Posted more than 21 years ago


    pukes up his hamburger

    This is a short review. It has less impact on the upload's score.

    MR MAGOO Posted more than 21 years ago


    This little “demo” of yours is pathetic and does not have good eyecandy. Need I say more?

    This is a short review. It has less impact on the upload's score.

    Unknown Rabbit Posted more than 21 years ago


    It’s not that bad.

    (However, I did not see the full version at that site)
    (And don’t have text RIGHT before the exit, or no one will read it)

    EDIT: NinjaUR, edit your post. What were you thinking when you gave this a 10?[This review has been edited by Unknown Rabbit]

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    JJ Tublear Posted more than 21 years ago


    Yes, what Unknown Rabbit said is correct it really isn’t that bad. But…the tiles are messed up, it really doesn’t have good eye candy. And no weapons.

    Strangely enough the first batch of Bee Boys, the last bee that was left just sat there doing nothing. Probably another JJ2 bug, (i’ll maybe have to add that to my bug list). BTW, once again like Unknown Rabbit said the level is not on your website.

    And um Magoo and NinjaUR don’t be so cruel, some people are just beginners at levels. Do you know how much you hurt their feelings when you say stuff like that. There’s a nice and mean way of stating things. You two stated the stuff the mean way.

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    Ischa 30 Sep 2010, 20:45 (edited 30 Sep 10, 20:46)

    2.2Not recommended:

    Rating jazz4 test lvl!read notepad!

    To start:
    A very stupid level which is short, boring and poor. That’s all I have to say actually.

    Eyecandy: (20 pts)
    Not so good. The path (layer 4) is well decorated with trees and some sort of cave on a fall. The background however is poor. Only layer 8 is filled.
    Result: 9 pts

    Gameplay: (20 pts)
    Just to be short. The gameplay is pathetic! You can finish the only level in like 5 seconds. Or not, because you can easily jump out of the stage when you exit, causing the game to freeze.
    Result: 0 pts

    Story: (10 pts)
    There is no story. So this factor does not count your rating.
    Result: N/A

    Obstacle placement: (20 pts)
    The enemy density of this stage is high and still this level is EASY! You can finish the stage without killing any enemy, if you get hitten or not. You can give the gun a big rest, because you don’t need it. In other words: it’s just ridiculous.
    Result: 0 pts

    Bonus placement: (10 pts)
    Result: 0 pts

    Total points: 9
    Maximum number of points: 80-10(story)= 70
    Calculating: 9÷70×9+1
    Final Rating: 2.2
    Download recommendation:
    Why? This level sucks! If you have downloaded it, you need help! You suck at life! Kill yourself!

    0 of 2 people found this a good review. Did you? Yes/No

    Ðx Posted more than 21 years ago

    i dont get this sorry

    ( wich site? )

    [This review has been edited by dx dc]

    SPAZ18 11 Jul 2006, 08:45 (edited 19 Aug 06, 15:08)

    What the…? If it’s this bad, then why has it got 6600+ downloads?

    Tried the site mentioned, doesn’t exist. :(
    Why can’t you just upload the full version to J2O?