Posted more than 21 years ago
Good battle level! Layout and eyecandy are more than okay. Lets download!
(P.S.: I was undecided between 6 and 7 points here.)
Posted more than 21 years ago
the best!!!!
Posted more than 21 years ago
hey gamecreator,
The level is ghood, but not for battle. The rooms are to small to battle and the tileset is ‘overused’. This is good for a first or second level(and i know this is :p) so i’ll rate it a 6,7
Sorry gamecreator!
Hmm…yes it is…
The Rooms are TOO small…
As told…
But a great battle anyway =)
Hey akio, may i have that rank too? =P
Posted more than 21 years ago
An interesting battle level, but is similar to many others. And yes, you can Moonblaze, once you get 500 reviews under your belt. ;P
I love it. Only the facts that your levels could have bin “packed”, and that theres 2 homing missle upgrades in this lev. makes the level worth 9.
The game, its your only rewiew…Not a good one. You should have explaind your rating. :P