Bloody_Body, there will be a complete version of this set. Since this tileset is to much fun! skulg will add some animated tiles and more tiles to work with.
When will this be finished? We don’t know yet. Somewhere in the summer perhaps…
However, where did you get stuck? At the vines? Ill ask skulg to fix the mask and maybe we could reupload it. Ill let you know :)
This looks gruesomely marvelous, reminds me of a tricked out version of the Blood tileset from the old irc server (still no idea who made that to this day). Can’t wait to play around with the complete version!
21 May 2015, 19:19 (edited 21 May 15, 21:46)
Edit (Answer to Mystic Legends ):
I’m looking forward the complete version. This demo version is nice!
I got stuck above the tube, the coordinates of that tile are 28*16. It’s a small matter of course, but I’m sure this tileset would be used for some other levels, so it’s better to fix this small problem :)
Original review:
Well, most of the custom tilesets are really ugly and low-qualified but this one is well-drawn and original. Plaing this was like being jailed into the huge brain of some monster! Those gyrus, vessels, eyes, bloody waterfalls and puddles of blood look really brutal!
It’s a pity that you had a limit of 150 tiles, I’m sure you could make lots of useful tiles otherwise. However, seems like those 150 tiles are enough to make a fully functional level: there are tubes, vines and an awesome background modified with Angel Script.
The mask isn’t perfect, though. Sometimes player can get stuck into the wall.
11 Jul 2015, 11:03
This tileset ‘Organic’ takes on a theme that hasn’t been done properly before on J2O and does it very well too! Body/gut themes aren’t uncommon in platforming games, yet SkulG managed to make this one stand out on it’s own. There’s one type of ground tiles but enough scenery to choose from, such as arteries, membranes, blood (acid?) pools, a creepy eye, and err, cells? All share the same drawing style and fit together well.
The Battle level ‘Brain Tumor’ might have a disgusting name but yeah, it fits with the tone of the set. It’s clearly more than a mere example level, and has a tunnel-style layout that works especially well for about 3 to 6 players or small Team Battles. Ammo is not that plenty but I personally like not having seeker or RF spamfests on every level, so it’s fine here. Best of the level would still be the original atmosphere it creates thanks to proper use of the many sceneric tiles and the AngelScript that adds fluid movement to the background.
To me this set is the clear winner of Trey’s contest, and I recommend download for everyone looking to make a level with an original style, which is rare in 2015! I also recommend the level for the same reasoning, to play an okay Battle level with an original atmosphere!
13 Jun 2015, 21:32 (edited 6 Mar 19, 08:48)
The Tileset looks unique and almost the same as Jazz 2 Tilesets
12 Sep 2015, 14:47
Pretty tileset. This teme is a bloody planet.
Art Design
Is good. There are background, vines, sign “text”, Water Block and tubes.
The background works best in 16bit but not in 8bit.
Some resemble the old tile tileset “bl00d”, there is also a waterfall very small and should be implemented in the layout and eye.
The masks work well.
Example Level
The example level is nice, also the layout, has the script.
and I will not rate example levels.
it’s nice, I liked a lot.
Download reccomended? Yes, try it!