Twin Stalactites

  • Rating: 9

Reviews and comments

    DennisKainz 2 Apr 2016, 18:26


    I’ll throw in a rating already because lately all good submissions passed totally unnoticed.
    I hope my rating will help your level get more popular faster.
    It isn’t really in the style of professional battle levels, but I like different styles.
    Download totally recommended!

    This is a short review. It has less impact on the upload's score.

    Ragnarok! 6 Apr 2016, 23:25 (edited 7 Apr 16, 22:01)


    Probably one of the best levels I’ve seen in a long time. Feels extremely crisp and pretty unique in layout. I love the bottom left especially (as well as the rest of the level).

    This is a short review. It has less impact on the upload's score.

    Seren 18 Aug 2018, 22:06


    This is one of my favorite duel levels. I find that thanks to very low carrot spawn times it enforces uniquely fast pacing. A nice degree of ammo control can be achieved but is not impossible to overcome. And the layout provides interesting fight environments while remaining fit for the theme.

    This is a short review. It has less impact on the upload's score.