A battle level. (+1)
It uses the superb tileset, “Odyessy”. (+2) (Happy, BlurredD?)
It is a bad use of it. Maybe because the tileset is almost impossible to use. (Except by the creator) (-1)
The design isn’t all that good. (-2)
There is an area that you can not get out of at all.(-2)
The music, while good, is NOT a perfect fit. (+0.5)
There are nice lighting effects. (+1)
Bad Eyecandy. (-0.5)
It has a decent name. (+1)
Totally average. (=5)[This review has been edited by Violet CLM]
Hmm…yes…i agree with Violet…
She already Write evrything…
Whan can i say?
Its Ok?
NO! But it isnt that BAD! isnt it?
a pretty good lev except for the area with no exit
Posted more than 21 years ago
What more can I say not already said?
This level is barely above average. I can’t recommend it, but download if you want.
You must be the 1st person to actually ever use my tileset, but there are some things that you should know…
1. I never officially released the tileset. (Please note that the tileset is nowhere to be found on J2O or anywhere else on the internet)
2. I never finished the tileset. There’s a lot of stuff missing from it, and other stuff I meant to take out (and I haven’t even added credits to myself yet).
3. I hosted a level using this tileset some while ago. I thought I mentioned that no one can release any lvls using this tileset until I officially release the tileset.
4. And Violet? That’s spelt “Odyssey” not “Odessy.”
I dont mind that u use the tileset as long as u dont release your lvls. But I must warn u, I rearranged alotta things in the updated version of this tileset.