Posted more than 21 years ago
This ancient tileset reminds me of my early days in tileset creation. It’s got a lot of the same primative elements that I find in my own first sets. Overall, it’s excellent for a begginer’s set… and that’s mostly why it got an 8. It’s got a lot of usefull tiles, which also helps, although not many of them are exactly, well, pretty (typical of first sets). The use of gradients across the faces of many of the tiles would’ve made a better impact, along with a more definate light source. More eye-candy would also be an asset. Overall, I salute Fquist for his excellant work, and sympathize with him for his errors in this early tileset. …DooDlyness… :-).
Posted more than 21 years ago
I find this tileset much more useful then recharge 2. This tileset could use a better background though. Like noraa said, this is a great beginners set, however I do not go easy on levels and tilesets that are firsts (or almost) because I have no feelings :P. (j/k)
Well, anyway, I’m not going to spend much time saying how you can improve this tileset because there is no posibility that you will change it.
This tileset also needs a mask.
My rating: 6.5
Posted more than 21 years ago
Nice old tileset, very colored. Not much too say. Its a pity that there’s no example level.
Well, if you’re a tileset freak/collector you might want to download this.
Posted more than 21 years ago
These are just a bunch of blocks
noffing special if u ask me.
Posted more than 21 years ago
This is a good tileset chock full of blocks (har har, that rhymes). For the tileset collector, download this! It may be rare some day.
Download this or you’ll get banned. ;D
Seriously, this is sort of good. Download recc.
Nothing special sneeze
nose blowing Aiko. I colect tilesets.
Does that make me a freak?!!
Sorry. Im just sick.
2 Mar 2006, 16:25 (edited 2 Mar 06, 16:27)
Beoordeling ‘Recharge’
BEOORDELING PRACTISCH: Deze tileset is niet al te practisch. Hij is tamelijk klein. En er zijn geen wapen- of sleutelblokken. En een achtergrond is ook niet mogelijk!
Cijfer: 3
BEOORDELING MOOI: Echt mooi is ‘ie ook niet. Het zijn alleen maar paden en muren. Meer niet.
Cijfer: 3
BEOORDELING ORGINEEL: Orgineel is het ook niet.
Cijfer: 3
BEOORDELING VOORBEELDLEVEL: Is er niet. Zo’n voorbeeldlevel heb ik nodig om te ontdekken hoe ik een tileset moet gebruiken!
Cijfer: 3
Downloadaanrader: nee