
  • Rating: 9.7

Reviews and comments

    FireSworD 13 Apr 2020, 07:44 (edited 24 May 20, 05:16)


    Some quirky movement issues aside (Mainly opinion based stuff), this level is mostly technically solid and very impressive in ALL aspects I considered.

    One of the best JJ2 battle levels ever made.

    Almost exceptional job Gerakobits!

    This is a short review. It has less impact on the upload's score.

    Loon 13 Apr 2020, 11:07


    Top notch stuff right here. Nice starting positions btw.

    This is a short review. It has less impact on the upload's score.

    Primpy 14 Apr 2020, 10:33


    Plays well and has gorgeous visuals. Instantly one of my favorite battle maps.

    This is a short review. It has less impact on the upload's score.

    Rysice 25 Apr 2020, 21:00


    Awesome eyecandy

    This is a short review. It has less impact on the upload's score.

    FabiAN[NC] 25 Jan 2024, 02:09 (edited 25 Jan 24, 02:14)


    hellfire its a amazing creation:
    + the eyecandy is awesome here
    + the tileset is also very amazing (and lots of work was put here in)
    ..i would have much fun to use, the hellfire.j2t tileset!! ;D
    + the lava is absolutely impressive and awesome designed!!
    + also one of my favorite jazz2 levels ever.

    This is a short review. It has less impact on the upload's score.