Posted more than 21 years ago
I like the easter set.. It hasn’t that much special effects but you can make some really nice eye candy with it. And be creative like building your own buildings with the little house part.
And you can go underground with it… Place eastereggs everywhere. But I never liked the snow set very much.
So.. go start on your easter level (?) And be creative ! (When is easter? hmm..)
Posted more than 21 years ago
The Easter Tileset itself was hard for me to even thinking of building with. But J2LC did an OK job with it, looks good.
Btw, NewSpaz, Easter is in April.
Posted more than 21 years ago
A nice easter tileset with a lill’ chicken animation…not bad…but well, it looks kinda primitive though.
There is no example level included and thats why i cant give a higher rating. But i think it was a lot of hard work to put this together so all tileset collectors should really download this!
(P.S.: the second set in the archive isnt worth extracting, sorry :-)
Not that there’s a chance anyone will read this but I thought I’d review this, since I forgot when downloading.
The file contains two tilesets and only two tilesets, nothing more which is very bad. No readme or example level that is…
The set itself looks like a paint-made one to me. I don’t really like the thing…. They just don’t have what it takes…
So it will get a 6.
This tileset looks very MSpainty.
Not very good. Like what I said just a second ago, it looks like it was drawn in MSPaint. Instead it should have texture drawn in Photoshop or PSP.
A very rough mask with lots of tiny gaps you can get stuck in.
Not very easy to make good levels with this tileset.
13/30 = 4.3
Rating J2lc Easter
This tileset is not very practical. It is pretty small an I can create only a sky as background.
Rank: Not good
It is a beautiful tileset. I love the eggs in the ground. But is is small.
Rank: Sufficient/OK
It is not very orginal. There is already a tileset. And this is the worst: that tileset (not this one) is a standard one!
Rank: Very bad
Example Level:
This tileset doesn’t have an example-level. Ooohh, dear!
Rank: Horrible
Final Rating: 3.6
Download recommendation: No
Not bad, but I’m in too much of a Halloween mood to give a rating. ;-P