
  • Rating: 5.8

Reviews and comments

    mortalspaz 19 Apr 2009, 20:29 (edited 20 Apr 09, 15:56 by cooba)


    It’s a good tileset but it’s kinda hurting the eye…

    [Review changed to quick review. – cooba]

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    VeggieMan Posted more than 21 years ago


    A 6 is what you want and a 6.2 is what you shall get. It’s good that you made a tilset. I dunno it really hurt my eyes a lot and was kinda I dunno… weird. When I rate tileset I rate them on the base if I will ever use them and I can’t say that I will use this tileset but that doesn’t mean other won’t as well. The B&W version I like. Not too hard on my eyes, but I dunno if I would ever make a level with it.

    To sum it up. The tileset is too small. There could be a lot more. There isn’t too much to work with and the colour version hurts my eyes.


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    MR MAGOO Posted more than 21 years ago


    Well, when I first looked at the tilesets I was shocked. But then I realized that these tilesets shouldn’t be used to make a level. It should be used to combine these tilesets and other tilesets to create a mega level. good idea, although like Veggie said, the tilesets are way 2 small. Another thing is that the tilesets wouldn’t really fit levels sometimes, with their outer eyecandy filled in. Try to add more next time Violet!

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    FearlessCC Posted more than 21 years ago


    Wow great tileset, my granny even can make this :P

    I will always be CC.

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    Stijn Posted more than 21 years ago


    Oh my holy JCS! As everyone, I looked at it :p. The tileset has graphics like platforms, vines and some weird “screenshotted” (Yeah, weird verb :) stuff like the poles from some tileset, and some useless (IMO) screenshots of a swinging vine with a crate. I really don’t get why everyone is giving this a 6.0. A tileset is something to make a level with, not something to combine with other tilesets. So I’m sorry, Violet, but I can’t give this higher than a 4.0.

    Okay, reactions to the critics :)

    Violet: I know they can be usefull for that, but they are taking much space from the tileset and I would rate it batter if you put other stuff in the used space. mr Magoo was talking about combining tilesets to a mega level (or something). I changed my rating to a 5.0 :p. And please don’t remember me as “the-stupid-who-rated-my-tileset-so-low” :)

    Whizz: I never create small levels with tileset before I review it because even when I create a small level I’m busy with it around 3 hours and I think that’s wasting time (I’m a perfectionist; I’m testing the level around every 10 seconds and I’m spending minutes on the good fitting of two tiles :)[This review has been edited by Fl@$h aka BlewMeUp]

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    CraccoBoy Posted more than 21 years ago


    Sorry, but I don’t like this tileset too much, though it’s not that bad. The colours are a bit weird, and you can’t create a good, big level with this either…

    This is a short review. It has less impact on the upload's score.

    Whizz Posted more than 21 years ago


    Fl@sh? Do you create a little level with a tileset before you rate? Because else you can’t rate it good. But ok.
    Nice Example level but the tileset is the problem (you should put it under level if you want have the level rated).
    The tileset is:
    Way too small.
    Minimum back- and foreground options.
    Eye killing (except B&W version).
    Not handy to create something with.


    Work longer on your tilesets!

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    URJazzCC Posted more than 21 years ago


    This tileset isn’t waht I call ‘easy to use’, but it’s still a good tileset. The example level was good, and really showed how the tileset can be used (I like Violets strange level eyecandy) The tileset could have definately been bigger, but it being small shouldn’t be much of a factor in rating this. The tiles were ok, it could have used some more all-around tiles in it, such as ground/blocks, and another things like that. Overall this is an OK tileset, download recommendation Yep.

    PS Violet, spend more time on it, add some more simple blocks, and it will be a fine tileset indeed.

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    merder Posted more than 21 years ago


    not that good ans not that bad next time work a bit longer.

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    Super Saiyan Posted more than 21 years ago



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    JJ Tublear Posted more than 21 years ago


    Well I have to say the tileset is ok. I’m a bit saddened that you stole all those graphics and put them in the tileset. So that’s not really part of drawing. But you gave a Footnote. Let’s see the Eye Candy is pretty bad, the stuff you used in the example level weren’t good.

    This is a short review. It has less impact on the upload's score.

    RSPSS FR Posted more than 21 years ago


    Screen shut
    hmm.. sounds a lot like screen shot
    I se some needed tiles, but not all have uses (as far as I can see)
    Some might have been useful, If you hadent put them in BOXES! I have nothing agenst ripping stuff from jj2
    or putting some funky stuff in your tileset, but spend some more time next time

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    Black Energy Posted more than 21 years ago


    Poor tileset, too small, too useless.. Sorry for the bad rating, but it´s not worth more.

    This is a short review. It has less impact on the upload's score.

    American Posted more than 21 years ago


    This tileset is, in fact, very hard on the eyes. However, it’s still a pretty good tileset. Eyecandy was good in the level I made, but people complained that the colors were hurting their eyes. Other than the migrane-inducing properties, this tileset turned out to be pretty good. It was fairly well-drawn and a very nice effort. If it’s a 6 you want, it’s 6.5 you get, along with a download recommendation.

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    Violet CLM Posted more than 21 years ago

    First of all, Flash, that’s as close as you can get to “eyecandy” using only events. Second, all the swinging vine stuff is great for h-poles and hooks, as is shown in the example level. All the tiles have uses.

    Also, I have no idea what any of you are talking about with “combine with other tilesets”? Could you explain a little further please? :D

    And one more thing. IMHO, this tileset is very easy and fun to make levels with. I greatly enjoyed creating that example level, for example. More fun then I get out of a lot of levels, anyway.

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    Wild Bill Posted more than 21 years ago

    yea, its a pretty useless tileset, sorry. its hard on the eyes too. try making a bigger set and spend some time.

    (Rating removal. -Trafton)[This review has been edited by Trafton AT]