Posted more than 21 years ago
what do you mean, no way this deserves a 10! all you have are some choppy single-colored rabbits and it has no background. but it dose hav vines, poles, and hooks. but no text signs or distruct blocks.
but I guess its kinda ok for a first.
Posted more than 21 years ago
Ok here’s my review.
Originality 3/20
Well, you made of al things screenshots and only the walking blocks are original.
Background tiles 7/20
Ah, I see. Here take these 7 points.
Basic tiles 5/20
You made a few walking blocks and that’s it. I think I should look a bit better.
Eye candy tiles 5/20
The Jazz’s aren’t nice, and the gems aren’t nice too. This is almost the only thing in your tileset so I give 5 points.
Usefullness 5/20
Maybe you can make something with this but I don’t think this tileset is very usefull. Sorry.
Overall 25/100
Rating 2.5
>GoLd<[This review has been edited by >GoLd<]
Well, it’s OK for a first tileset, there are some Spaz’s and Jazz’s in weird looking colours and also some gems, also in weird looking colours. There are some purple textured blox with some triangle thingys to walk up and down with and kinda funky looking hooks and vines. I also like the blue gems at the end of the vines and there are also some other blox. Oh, and
not to forget the purple Spaz with an 18th style hat on!! :D It’s really cool! Not even mirrow could have thought up something like that. 0.5+ for that :-D Oh! And also, if you switch the masks on, you can see very funny messages. 0.2+ for that. :-D (very creative ;)
But, however, the tileset is very small and lacks destruct blox, text, stuff that hurts ;-) and of course eyecandy. The rabbits are the main part of the eyecandy but they’re not very well textured and finally, there’s no foreground and background tiles which lowers the tileset’s points.
What you could do to improve the tileset, Water Demon, is to:
1. Work more on the eyecandy.
2. Add more stuff, (useless stuff if necessary) cause as yer all know stuff is good. ;-D
3. Work on the textures of the Jazz’s and Spaz’s.
4. Create foreground and background stuff.
5. That’s it.
BTW: To show that the tileet is NOT completely useless, I’m gonna make a lvl out of it to show yer what you can do with it. And WaterDemon, I feel pretty bad for you, getting such low points. Here, take this 5.2. :-)
Oh, and an comment to Mariek: either review the tileset or don’t post an review at all cause yer question has got nothing to do with this tileset. If ya wanna have an answer to yer question, post it on JCF. Ok? :-P
White Rabbit.[This review has been edited by White Rabbit]
no way am i givin this a 10. WAY too small. if you would have taken some time and made a bunch more tiles then it would be pretty cool. also you should include an example level. its ok for a first though.
Posted more than 21 years ago
OK for a first tileset but you have confusion on what’s essential vs. what isn’t.
Posted more than 21 years ago
Can somebody tell to me how to copy tiles from other tilesets? Pleaseee….
Being an ambassador for Water Demon, I shall post a few responses.
The background is the plain purple tile, which allows it and the purple ramps to be invisible floor/slopes.
I added the hidden mask messages, but I put in nothing Water Demon did not agree with.
Also, he stole the Spaz with the funky hat from one of my tilesets, the little thief. ;) Oh well, I can’t say I care all that much. I’ve got other stuff.
In closing, Water Demon says he will be making an expanded version, presumably with the stuff you people are requesting. The tile bugs will probably also be fixed.
EDIT: Expanded version uploaded, complete with example level created by Moi. Don’t rate this, rate that.[This review has been edited by Violet CLM]