Posted more than 21 years ago
I`m realy to sleepy to write a big review on a sleepy friday night. Nice litle level. Keep working JCS, you can do it:P
Hmmm, lets see, it’s a nice looking level the music is ok, but there was a part of the level where i got stuck (like in alot of the levels i try) but overall not bad, not bad at all! good job!
Posted more than 21 years ago
Always fun to use a custom tileset. Well, almost always. My first impression when I started the level was: “oh my god, I landed straight in Teletubbyland!” (which is, for the younger people out there, NOT GOOD.)
I think the stuff up for grabs was overdone – way too much food and guns. The food is nice, cos that way you can get a sugar rush so you can hurt people with your fingers (:P), but this way, getting a rush is too easy. unfortunately, the amount of coins you can find in the level (which you need to enter a 50-coin warp) was minimal compared to the other stuff. For the rest…layout was pretty ok. Maybe a bit too straight from time to time. Gameplay wasn’t really “great”. Most of the time you had to stop, or rerun a whole path because you fell down a hole. Battle-lovers may want to download it, but no – not a reccomandation. Only for addictives!
Posted more than 21 years ago
Hehe, not bad if you’re four years old i’d say :-P No, honestely, generally it’s always good to choose a custom tileset (as SPLASH already said), but when it comes to the legendary “J2LC_easter” i’m not that sure anymore…you have to admit: it looks very childish and a tad silly, too. Not my favourite style of course.
However, the actual level is pretty much okay. The authors tried to make it circular with many platforms and a sensible weapon placement. The layer work isn’t really worth mentioning because isn’t much of it at all (except the background clouds and some VERY FEW foreground objects).
About the background music: it’s “THE SUMMER HIT !!” by Calim (mention him in the readme next time) and most of us know it from stripe’s Happy CTF pack. So it doesn’t fit perfect here, intutievely (it’s still okay though).
All in all, “Chocolate Eggs” is what i would call an average level. Nice but not really beautiful. Playable but not addicting. If you like this J2LC tileset, or when its Eastern, or when your 4-year-old-sister wants to play at your PC, you may even want to download this (it’s a LOW 5 :-).[This review has been edited by Aiko]
Posted more than 21 years ago
If anyone know how to get the ‘get stuck in the vine’ error away. Please tell me.