Carrot Battle + Diamond Battle

  • Rating: 6.2

Reviews and comments

    >CelL< Posted more than 21 years ago


    2 Small, but well designed, circuler levels. Ammo placement and stuff is nice, even though I missed some springs in some places, so that I couldnt reach some platforms. I have nothing against small levels. They could be used as warmup levels for example, in a pack with bigger levels, like in my upcoming CtF pack, wich will have 4 warmup, and 4 big levels. To fans of small levels, I’d recomend downloading this. Its small, but neat.

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    Nitro Posted more than 21 years ago


    1. Mark this TSF if you make it TSF.
    2. It’s not that fun..

    This is a short review. It has less impact on the upload's score.

    White Rabbit Posted more than 21 years ago


    Nice pair of lvls Unhit. :) The gameplay’s ok and so is the weapons placement. I don’t mind lvls being small cause I like small lvls. :) Also, the eyecandy is fine by me and er…and so on. :) Oh, and there are some funny messages around. ;)

    Unfortunately, the lvls are still in not very good quality. (good quality, but not very good ;-P) The lvls are using the AAAAAAAAAAAAARGH! heavily overused Carrotus and Diamondus tilesets which makes the lvls kinda boring. Also, there are some places where you have used wrong tiles, Unhit, so it looks pretty unrealistic. To sink the rating even more, the lvls are highly Lori unfriendly, and because it’s TSF lvls, that’s unacceptable. Sry.
    Well, there are some more errors and stuff but I don’t want to make you sad, Unhit, so I’m not gonna write them here.
    This lvl gets an download recommendation if you like small lvls and the tilesets Carrotus and Diamondus and a 6.2


    White Rabbit.

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