I like the level very much there where a few fouls but u made them right.!!
Ít’s a very hard tile to build a level with but u managed to construct it fine.
Very well done i am looking foward to youre next level …
see ya
tha jokerzz
Brotherhood Of Death Level. Name: Maniacland.j2l This level was made for BOD because im self a member of the BOD Clan. And uhm…nothing to say more…o yeah don\‘t forget!, Elrick is the leader of BOD. And I a member…
And don\‘t forget, it was really really hard to make this level, because it was made with the Tileset Psych, Man that\‘s a HARD Tileset.
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I like the level very much there where a few fouls but u made them right.!!
Ít’s a very hard tile to build a level with but u managed to construct it fine.
Very well done i am looking foward to youre next level …
see ya
tha jokerzz
Well this is another good lvl of Super Saiyan (my clanmate ay) this is an good design, worth for download.It looks an small lvl but it inst.:)
Well this was all i had to say i hope you enjoy your 8.2 SSJ….
SSJ Give this Review,
yust kopied the review what
Xan told me to set on j2o.
Xan’s Internet Explorer is
Down :(, and ey Xan, ofcourse
i enjoy it. ;) Thanx. -SSJ
a nice level but i hate pysch :)
Ah! Psych! +0.2!
The design of this level is very confusing, sometimes even more confusing than my levels ;). For some reason I like the green background. The ammo placement is average, maybe a bit too much, but I’m an ammo freak so I won’t lower my rating for that. The gameplay is not too bad. Sometimes I was some sort of stuck, but I got out everytime. Well, the school bell rings. Bye bye!
Well….a very nice level…the gameplay is not very bad…but, like flash said in his review, the design of the level is confusing. Ammo, mayby to much, but i like that :)
Good level, and i’m looking for your next levels…
Well the lvl was kinda cool and little bit confusing but I dunno why it’s confusing…And don’t forgot my GP rocks :)
MMMmmm…psych…this tileset rocks (not more than the pyramids though ;) and yes, I completely agree that the Psych tileset is hard to use and once, I tried to make a battle lvl out of it. I pshyched out. :) Anyway, the eyecandy is just like Saiyans previous lvls the eyecandy is absolutely ExceLLenT and weapons placement is, quite so-so but it works so I guess it’s not such a big deal.
The lvls gameplay, however worries me and does sink the rating 0.1 points. It’s just that the lvl is too confusing with all these eyecandies and you don’t know whether you can go through this wall or not. Also, there’s annoying obstacles and badly placed springs everywhere. That sinks the points by 0.2 points.
Well, it’s getting late so I wanna go and play some Jazz2 be4 I go to sleep. :-) I’ll give this an 7.7 and a download recommendatin.
White Rabbit.
i like the level!!
and i agree with the bit about the difficult tileset. i dont think there’s to much ammo or anything like that, but it is very confusing. but (since i’m a member of BOD) i give it a 8.5 in stead of a 8
Ghosty, do not let being member of someones clan and/or liking someone afect your ratings. Its not fair:P. Now about the level. This level, using the pretty hard to use Psych tileset by Epic, is realy a fine quality level. It has some destructeble blocks, wich i dont ‘totaly go for’ in battle levels(even ‘tho i used them in the past:P), but i guess its ok. The design is not too bad, only with a few obstacles sadly. The eyecandy is pretty good, but way confusing. I dont like the extreme lighting at some points, it hrealy has the potential to blind me. Super saiyen also used 2 caterpillers, wich was’nt a good idea to me, ‘cuz those moke rings make you dizzy, and pretty unable to fight for a few seconds, wich afects the gameplay. There where gems used, wich i cant realy understand, since the upload type was specified as ‘battle’, ut i guess it was ment so that you can host this as treasure hunt too. Wich is good, we dont get many treasure levels here these days:D. The overall level is small, but still pretty well designed, with no dead ends(atleast not that i noticed) and so, making it pretty circular. I cant realy understand why this was uploaded under the name ‘Brother hood of death level’, the name clearly is ‘Maniacland’, but that wont afect my rating. Its a 7.5 and a download recomendation.
Whew! I admit i’m quite surprised. “Brotherhood Of Death Level” sounded like another crappy newbie production put together in five minutes. But in contrast: this little battle level using the very underused “Psych” tileset is full of great looking new ideas.
The design is very “tight” and it has a very good event (the pinball paddles were used well here f.e.), weapon and goodie placement. Even better, the layer arrangements looks really really darn cool (Super Saiyan tried to hide a lot of things etc.). Very good eyecandy without any doubt, the author shows us impressively what is possible with “Psych”.
And, by the way, the included Bitmap map of the level is a nice idea, too.
As a conclusion to my review, i can only give out a STRAiGHT DOWNLOAD RECOMMENDATiON here. Really, you won’t regret it. You will finally play something original again and battle fun is garuenteed…good work, Super Saiyan!
Preaty good level with nice ideas..only thing im complain about is size..it could be A BIT lagerger ;) it is kinda small when more than 5 ppl join server.However…download is recomended..
Nice level. With orginal Ideas. But you must the limit of the guests in server do with 5/6/7 No more, are you are being Psych! (Psst! <—Fun!) Download? YAP!
hmmm… Can I download this? I’m not a member in BOD.
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Eat your lima beans, Johnny.