This is a nice level by Super Saiyan. The eyecandy and all is nice, but at times I find it excessive. It can be a little hard to tell what is forground and what is scenery at times.
Layout in this level I would consider a little poor. You have a too many dead ends and a few places that lend themselves to a single player level rather than a battle.
Also, in the level I found numberous places that I had a much harder time getting to with Jazz as opposed to Spaz.
I like the level but their are a few fouls in it …….
The thing is it’s very unfriendly for jazz …
With spazz it’s ok to handle …
Keep it up..!!!!!
Tha jokerzz
Jazz unfriendly?! Bah! :-P
Oh well, nm. Let’s get on with the review: (and it’s gonna be a short one this time)
OK…uhm…good weapons placement although I don’t like the idea of having so few bouncers.
Very good eyecandy but maybe a little too extreme.
The gameplay is excellent. No obstacles like in Maniac Land.
100% Lori friendly for TSF users. :-) (But since it’s a 1.23 lvl I won’t raise my rating)
The lvl tend to be a little too confusing, but you can fix it by cutting down on the foreground layer eyecandy and take the snow away.
Here’s an 7 and a download recommendation.
White Rabbit.
Posted more than 21 years ago
Yes, here we DO go again:P. This is a fairly well constructed level. It uses some diamonds in the walls, wich i dont realy recall seeing before, even though it doesnt look that good. Could be nice for a treasure hunt with jjnowallers;). The design is not too bad here, but still has a few deads ends, wich i dont like too much. The eyecandy is pretty good, but like the other d00ds who reviewed said, it is mostly way to much, making the level confusing, and making it hard for the player to see where he is going. Ammo placement is good, maybe a litle too much, bot its ok. The default music was used, nothing new or good. The JJ1 diamondus song would have been much beter in my opinion, but heck, its your level. It is pretty Jazz unfriendly, having some places where Jazz (almost) cant get up. Gameplay is not too bad, but this definetly plays beter with Spaz then with Jazz. This is a pretty nice level. A 7.0 here. Get this, its not too bad.
Posted more than 21 years ago
Hello, I liket this level. I now will say why.
The eyecandy is too much, far too much. I don’t now what is the sprite layer and what is background or foreground. That’s bad. And also the diamonds in the wall, don’t use to much.
Standard, the ammo is fine, only when you want to collect coins, you be a time bessy, because there are only a few of them. But that’s good. The carrots are also difficult to find with all that eyecandy, but the more difficult to find the better. Isn’t it? :)
Well, the level not get’s boring when I play it for a while, but again, the eyecandy makes it difficult. You can hop at all places. But that eyecandy has one advantes: You can hide very good in this level. That’s funny.
EYECANDY: 1.5/10
ITEMS: 2.5/10
Count it up and it will be a 7.5 and a download reccomend.[This review has been edited by spazz]