Wow, Colonius. Don’t see many levels with that tileset. Pity.
Well, getting down to business…
This is a very solid Battle level, easy to get around in (something my own levels are said to lack ;)). Spring usage doesn’t seem excessive at all. I would actually call it pretty conservative.
Weapon placement is good, and there’s plenty of them.
there are a few graphical glitches, but most of these are minor (I didn’t see them until my second run through the level, but then I was looking for them).
One of these glitches is a little less-than-minor however (to me at least).
(the following deal with the background layers):
At the lowest point in the level, you can see below the buildings in the back. Also, if you walk to the right of the level, you will scroll all but one of the buildings off screen.
The scrolling problem is easy to correct (select the “Tile Width” option in the Properties menu for that layer), but the seeing beneath the buildings one was a bit harder to fix (I took the liberty of checking this out in JCS).
The glitch is partially due to the way Colonius is made. The background buildings are next to impossible to edit. However, I managed to extend the length of the building by a few tiles, enough to remove this glitch. Actually, this traded one glitch for another. One of the tiles is now a little out of place. Still, this is a much more subtle problem, and throughout most of the level this can’t even be seen.
I’ll send you my “fixed” copy so you can take a look at it.
One other thing, which isn’t really a problem so much as it’s just puzzling, was the inclusion of a set of seeker blocks with no apparent purpose…
Anyways, otherwise this is a nice level. I can see having a few roast-fests here.