To be frank, the tileset needs more work.
Some of the tiles look okay. I like the crawling vine and the red girder (though the later could use some end pieces).
The rest are okay, but some don’t join together very well, and the graphical quality is very inconsistent.
Also, the starfield background is way to busy. Makes it hard to see.
One more point: Why does everyone always make blocky tilesets? You sould focus on adding some curved surfaces. Otherwise it all comes off looking like a Super Mario Bros. tileset (the first SMB that is).
Bottom line: I’ve seen worse, but this still needs some major work. Hang in there.
yea curved scenery is nice, but its hard to make and connect it all together. tileset is too blocky and the ladders are just bad, i couldnt climb up them(i believe that the horozontal lines are too thick). like buster said, the stars are way to busy and hard to see. keep on trying.
Posted more than 21 years ago
Crap. Sorry, Roseta, but this is some kind of crap. The tileset has some 3D-ish tiles and siome evil painty tiles. There’s much empty room in the set, and that makes it hard tosee wath belongs to what. There are also no diagonal tiles, only blocks, wich makes it hard to make a level with this. Thr background (4×4 tiles) is 63×63 in pixel size, no 64×64 so you can’t really let it fit together. The vines are working, but they are not from high quality.
The major problem of this set is that there are no “end pieces”, the tiles where you can make the end of a bar from, or the end of a vine, and that the tiles doen’t really fit together. They are all in stes of 4 tiles, but you can’t really use them as one, big, level or platform. That’s the problem. Now you know.
I think a 4,0 is a good rating for this. If it isn’t, that’s not my problem ;)
Posted more than 21 years ago
Ok, this is my new way of ranking tilesets, This tileset will start off with 10 points, and I will remove points by everything that is wrong with the tileset
-1 There are heaps of blank spaces
-2 There is no diagnal tiles
-1 The palette isn’t very nice looking, colours arn’t in a particualar order
-2 The backgrounds arn’t very good
-3 no fore ground or back ground stuff, eg, mountains, rivers, that sort of stuff
That equals 1, so far
+1 it has stuff like vines, destructive blocks, etc
+1 The tileset has a mask
+1 A nice variaty of colours
+0.5 I think those ladders are cool, keep the masking so that each step of the ladder, jazz hangs on, but you should make the bits thinner in the mask. Its ok when the ladder is a vine, but when its a hook, you have to really hit the jump button about 6 times just to go up 1 tile.
Ok, thats gives an overall of 4.5
Posted more than 21 years ago
it’s boring, it’s a small tileset.
I give a 6,2
Posted more than 21 years ago
The tileset isn’t bad…I like the ladder but its very hard to go up it.