Posted more than 21 years ago
This is a very coolish set. I liked Discofever a bit more, to me it is till mirrow’s masterpiece. Mirrow showed this set to me some time ago. When i saw it, i was already pretty impressed. This set has many stuff for creating cool eyecandy. It’s good for all sorts of levels. It has some cool stuff, like animated litle monsters, probably created as enemys for that campaign that was never finished. Sorta reminds me of the mummy bunnys in Tomb Rabbit’s final temple, they ruled;). The set also has some diferent types of ground, like sand, stone and stuff. This way you can create pretty cool levels, like a ancient stone building standing in the desert or something like that.. It also has the good old water, like the jungle sets and Agama’s swamp tileset. It has sorta ‘spike-ish’ tube thingys, dont know a corect name for them right now;), that you can use as background and foreground decoration. It has lamps and torches, standing on pillars, wich can be used as lights. There is a well made textured background for layer 8, and for layers 5-7, Mirrow added some nice looking moutians. To add to this, mirrow also created 3 pretty coolish example levels. I had already seen one of them, the CTF one, but the others looked great. Ammo placement was good, and gameplay was very circular, with (almost) no dead ends and stuff. Of course, they make very good use of the tileset, but thats why they are the example levels. Mirrow also used one pretty spiffy custom music file for the battle level, called ‘cages.s3m’. It was a good choice, it rocks and fits the level well. I liked it;).I am very happy that mirrow’s “Secret tileset” has been released, and must recomend you all to download this. Mirrow succesfully fixed the masking bugs in the tileset too. The slopes are normaly masked now, so are the spike thingys and such. I am VERY glad the textured background was fixed. The monsters are still sorta ‘rocky’ animated, even at best, i discovered this when trying to animate them. Try to make their animations more like the zombys from Tomb Rabbit. Because mirrow was able to fix the major masking bugs, and even add a inviseble text string in the mask;), i’ll be generous and give him his 8.5 bacl. Good job mirrow.[This review has been edited by >CelL<]
Wow. I like this. Not just boring old 6.5 like, but like like.
Edit: Well, not so much anymore, but I still do.
The arrangement of the tiles is good, (idiot proof, as someone once said) the artwork on the tiles is good as well. Indeed, one of the few things that lowers this rating is the Masking.
Edit: Now the textured background is bad too. Great “fix”.
The devils and spike chains don’t seem to have modified masks, and neither do those funky blocks that double as both destructable and moving scenery. And in my opinion, background mountain ranges and the like should always have hidden mask messages. Remember that next time. :P
Edit: Ok, the devils and the moving/destructable blocks are fixed. However, other things have worse masking then before. (Especially the mountain ranges) Not to mention you could have really done a better job with the Devils’ masking.
Anyway, this tileset is well done, with good artwork, and tile choice. The stuff with the glowing balls that can be removed from their sockets and replaced somewhere else leads to a widevariety of puzzles, I’d say, the one springing to mind the most being key/lock.
Edit: Cows.
Download this. I dare you.
Edit: Yeah, still do.
(By the way, Mirrow, there’s a bug in the Battle example level. The long sucker tube. Go in it and you’ll see what I mean.)
Edit: You still haven’t fixed it.
Edit: Rating sucessfully decreased .5 points. Just like >CelL<. Much can be learned from him.[This review has been edited by Violet CLM]
Nice tilset here. Everything is well done and I have no major complaints. I’d say more, but it would be just rehashing what others said.
Download now.
Wow. Nowhere near Agama’s recent jungle set, o course, but REALLY cool. :-)
Do it again sometime REAL soon!
Merry Christmas,
Hawkin 87 :-)[This review has been edited by Hawkin 87]
Posted more than 21 years ago
Cool Indeed,Mirrow you where right,these IS yer best :)
I was just looking for a tilest for new level and that thing surtently will do the trick!You can build 3 difrent terrain type,lot stuff for a eyecandy.These set shows posibilities of mirrow bu im sure you can do alot better!!!
[This review has been edited by >Elrick<]
Posted more than 21 years ago
Nice tileset. Good mood to it.
You thought of a theme and created it well. Themed tilesets are good.
What I don’t like from the set:
- Not enough variation in the rocks. Make somwhat bigger stones, or stones with small spider webs or cracks or something like that..
- The grass is bad.
Posted more than 21 years ago
Hmmm, where to start. Ah yes, I must say that I think discofever is definitley better than this tileset.
Other than that, this is a very decent set, but a few flaws made it worse. There isn’t enough texture on the tiles, why this wasn’t taken care of so nicely as in discofever I don’t know. You can see that the tiles are hand drawn, but done very nicely. Heck, this tileset has three major sections to use (so you don’t gte bored) and loads of other mini-sections to back it up. Nice layer work and all the ‘event’ tiles you need.
Another big problem is the mask. It has loads of jaggies in it, and it’s not very nice if someone wants to use it for their level (and can make some people get stuck). If you took more time to smooth this out I would’ve boosted the rating by a lot. The mask is very important.
Anyways, as a final comment: This is a very nice tileset, but the mask and lack of texture brings the rating down. It’s still worth a download though ;)
Posted more than 21 years ago
Still not comparable to the original Epic tilesets.
(now stop asking me to rate it)[This review has been edited by Monolith]
heya mirrow,this tileset looks a lot like psych tileset of yours,thats what i think,but this one is much better :),btw are ya gonna make an part 2 of coca cola tileset (i love that one ;)
Very cool mountains in the background, but i dont really like the round stones and the rest.
but pretty cool tileset
Posted more than 21 years ago
This tileset remembers me a lot on mirrow’s Small Castle. And this tileset is a good tileset. So Darkness is also good, and it brings lots of good new ideas with it. The best example for it is that moving…thing (!?). it’s very cool ;).
A good tileset at all. It’s also easy to use, in addition. Downlodas NOW.
Posted more than 21 years ago
Dear Mirrow,
The background in 8-bit sux but the tileset is nice. Ditto what everyone else said above.
P.S. It’s easy to fix that 8-bit thing. Since you didn’t properly make the background colors with a palette editor (or whatever), it came up all messed up. Just download Palette Suite (which is available at my website) and fix up the palette so the BG.
It also mite be the fact that the BG colors were supposed to fade to black and yet they didn’t. This happens since the final colors in the BG color section aren’t used anywhere else in the tileset. Just make one of those one-tile palette things (as seen in Blade’s tilesets) and that should fix your problem. And I hope what I say here makes sense.
O wait, was the BG problem fixed already??
The Edit: I’m saddened by the way my old reviews were formatted. My opinion has somewhat changed since then. Basically, I think the tileset has a good variety of types of tiles and all, but I’m not too fond of the way all of the tiles look. Most of the tiles only consist of a few colors, so they look flat and a bit dull. And I hate the look of those sand tiles entirely; they’re too squared off and don’t really fit in at all. Also, the 8-bit background, after all this time, still needs to be fixed—or refixed since it apparently was fixed at one point. On the contrary, there are some possibly useful features in this set that almost make up for this, such as the invisible vine and a few of the animations. Overall, it’s a tileset that may take some getting used to, but it has a lot of useful tiles in it. It’s worth using at least once. 8.2 is my new rating.[This review has been edited by BlurredD]
Posted more than 21 years ago
This tileset is one of ur best mirrow i really like it
Posted more than 21 years ago
Very nice tileset and super levels!
There`s one thing: its so very cool!
Download this now!
Posted more than 21 years ago
I can’t downlaod this. For some reason, the file is only 105 kB large and it’s an “invalid archive”. Fix it, if you can, please.
Posted more than 21 years ago
I re-uploaded the file and fixed every
masking bug iguess (special thx to cell and jelze who helped me:P) I hope You guys will aslo re-rate it otherwise do i kick ya all awayerrm ask ya …
Btw. THx for ya rating Guys ;)
|| UNFAIR !!!mwha :( (:P)
[This review has been edited by mirrow][This review has been edited by mirrow]