Yet another case of lost media, but this time slightly more involved.
I had four separate scraps using this tileset and theme, going as far back as 2009. At one point it was SP, then CTF, then SP again – but I never quite knew where to go with it, so the ideas languished until now.
At some point this month, something (not even sure what) gave me the impulse to stitch all the scraps into one CTF.
As a bonus challenge, I decided to keep this level vanilla 1.23, and to keep it somewhat “era accurate”. I ended up with a weird monstrosity that is hopefully somewhat playable – though be warned that it is full of 2009 quirks.
Mostly I was just really oddly proud of this custom water block I came up with.
Made in MLLE, but it’s fully vanilla compatible.
Bonus fact: Between this level, Penelope, and Hollow of the Haunted, I have now used every custom music track from Stijn’s Totally Freaky pack! I don’t even think I intended to do it in the first place, but they are some good tracks after all…
February 28th reupload: Fixed two tilebugs and two (semi-important) mask issues.
Tileset by SoulFirE. Music by fff.