This is a kinda usseles program,
I think someone already made this program.
I dont know who, but he didnt had that Coperactive, it isnt very usseles but it is new. And o yeah i found a bug.
When you host a battle level, and you change it to CTF it shows a JazzJackrabbit sign /big/little/, and a Jazz who does a buttstomp on the ground.
And another bug, that race thingi is kinda weird, it shows many minutes and bla bla when you turn it on. I didnt like it so much, and it has a =(Not OK)= layout. O yeah make it 1.24 compatible. Sorry a 6 from me.[This review has been edited by Super Saiyan]
Posted more than 21 years ago
Cool Prog! Download recommended
Posted more than 21 years ago
Already been done, but useful nonetheless.[This review has been edited by Trafton AT]
overlord already made this program, only it does a lot more. please don’t steal other people’s program ideas.
actually this is the same as the program of Overlord ‘Project Controller’and like overlord says that his program is much usefuller then this one….Use of Space in J2O….
Totaly useless program.Btw,overloard already made these type of prog.
as black ninja told, its OverlordĀ“s idea, also tihs program helps only few.
total useless.
(Questionable rating removal. -Trafton)[This review has been edited by Trafton AT]
Why don’t you try my project Controller for example. It’s way better than this and BTW if it’s true that a J2HG member made this he’ll mostly possible fly out of J2HG! It violates one of our rules and ADMINS! Please tell me all about this person you got (like IP and similar). I want to trace down this guy.
EDIT: Who are you anyway? Never seen you around here.
Txl Kill I hope that’s not you again.